Removed voronoi diagram usage
As per commit 958e6ee, voronoi diagram usage has been removed and the algorithm now performs a blind search for the best circle.
The new method involves a variable called badGenerations. This variable specifies when to end the algorithm. If for example, badGenerations = 5000, and the best circle found is from generation 3000, the algorithm will stop at generation 8001 if no better circles are found before then. If for example, the next best circle is found at generation 4000, then the algorithm will plan to end at generation 9001 unless a better circle is found before then, and so on. The bigger the badGenerations value the more accurate the largest circle will be, but the longer it will run.
Aside from that, cleaned up some code and tweaked some settings. The input for the program is still flimsy but that will be fixed soon. Also, the README is not compatible with this version. A new one will be put up soon.