Clockwork Base32 is a simple variant of Base32 inspired by Crockford's Base32. See Clockwork Base32 Specification.
- GHC 9.0 or later
- Linux, macOS, Windows
module Main where
import ClockworkBase32 (encode, decode)
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- encode example
let originalString = "foobar"
putStrLn $ "Original string: " ++ originalString
let encodedString = encode originalString
putStrLn $ "Encoded (Base32): " ++ encodedString
-- decode example
let decodedResult = decode encodedString
case decodedResult of
Right decodedString -> putStrLn $ "Decoded string: " ++ decodedString
Left err -> putStrLn $ "Error decoding: " ++ err
- C: szktty/c-clockwork-base32
- Erlang: shiguredo/erlang-base32
- Go: szktty/go-clockwork-base32
- Swift: szktty/swift-clockwork-base32
- C++: wx257osn2/clockwork_base32_cxx
- C++: objectx/cpp-clockwork-base32
- JavaScript: mganeko/js_clockwork_base32
- AssemblyScript: mganeko/as_clockwork_base32
- Rust: woxtu/rust-clockwork-base32
- Rust: hnakamur/rs-clockwork-base32
- Go: shogo82148/go-clockwork-base32
- TypeScript: niyari/base32-ts
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