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Compliant Control: 1) admittance control algorithm 2) impedance control algorithm 3) hybrid force&position algorithm in robotic arm (Universal Robot).


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Compliant Control and Application

It contains the compliant control algorithms in robotic arm, and the chosen robot is universal robot which is popular collaborate robot in the world.


mkdir catkin_ws/src && cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
catkin build (or cd .. && catkin_make)

If there is come up with some errors during compile process, you might need to install some ros packages for support this project, I recommend you to run following command or search the compile error in Google or Baidu and so on.

rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro noetic --ignore-src -r -y

If there is an error 'Unable to locate ...', try following commands.

echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list
sudo apt update

Change the arm to Xarm6

  1. Clone xarm repository []
  2. Copy stl files in xarm_ros/xarm_description/meshes/xarm6/visual/ to Compliant-Control-and-Application/robots/universal_robot/fmauch_universal_robot/ur_description/meshes/ur5e/visual/ adding _xarm to the end of file names.
  3. Rename the values of visual and collision in Compliant-Control-and-Application/robots/universal_robot/fmauch_universal_robot/ur_description/config/ur5e/visual_parameters.yaml to the xarm's stl files.
  4. Copy the values in xarm_ros/xarm_description/urdf/xarm6.urdf.xacro to Compliant-Control-and-Application/robots/universal_robot/fmauch_universal_robot/ur_description/urdf/inc/ur_macro.xacro
    1. Add the definitions such as joint1_lower_limit to <xacro:macro name="ur_robot" params=".
    2. Do not change the name of links and joints as defined in ur_macro.xacro.


using the following command to check the self-defined controller. Like:cartesian_velocity_controller

rospack plugins --attrib=plugin controller_interface


Notice: In this repository, I have used ur5e robot and its urdf file need to be changed in different situation, like need or not a force/torque sensor in the end effector. Please check the urdf file seriously and run the algorithm, Thanks.

1. Admittance

roslaunch ur_gazebo ur5e_bringup.launch transmission_hw_interface:=hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface specified_controller:=cartesian_velocity_controller
roslaunch admittance Admittance.launch

After the robot has moved to the desired pose, run the following commands to generate fake wrench signal

roslaunch admittance Wrench_Fake.launch

2. Impedance

roslaunch ur_gazebo ur5e_bringup.launch transmission_hw_interface:=hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface specified_controller:=joint_torque_controller
roslaunch impedance Impedance.launch

3. Application (Hybrid Admittance Control)

roslaunch mir_gazebo mir_ur5e.launch tf_prefix:=robot1
roslaunch admittance HybridAdmittance.launch tf_prefix:=robot1

4. Hybrid Position Force Control

roslaunch ur_gazebo ur5e_bringup.launch transmission_hw_interface:=hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface specified_controller:=cartesian_velocity_controller environment:=polish
roslaunch hybrid_position_force_control hybrid_position_force_control.launch

And then it needs to use the topic publish command in the terminal. It is recommended to move to the pose [-0.1, 0.3, 0.3, 0.707, -0.707, 0.0, 0.0].

rostopic pub /desired_carteisan_pose_cmd geometry_msgs/Pose "position: x: -0.10 y: 0.30 z: 0.30 orientation: x: 0.707 y: -0.707 z: 0.0 w: 0.0" 

5. Mobile Robot

roslaunch mir_gazebo mir.launch

There are some pre-settings that will be needed to run in this project. Three mode is provided to be tested.

  1. Mobile Robot(mir robot)
  2. Mobile Robot(mir robot) with a Robotic Arm(UR5E)
  3. Mobile Robot(mir robot) with a Robotic Arm(UR5E) and a Gripper(Robotiq)

For change amoung them, this project have provided the setting params in the mir.launch file. And you also need to change the start controller for the robotic arm in mir_gazebo_common.launch



roslaunch mir_navigation hector_mapping.launch

MoveBase Framework:

roslaunch mir_navigation move_base.xml with_virtual_walls:=false
rviz -d $(rospack find mir_navigation)/rviz/navigation.rviz


AMCL Localization:

roslaunch mir_navigation amcl.launch initial_pose_x:=10.0 initial_pose_y:=10.0

MoveBase Framework:

roslaunch mir_navigation start_planner.launch \
    map_file:=$(rospack find mir_gazebo)/maps/maze.yaml \
    virtual_walls_map_file:=$(rospack find mir_gazebo)/maps/maze_virtual_walls.yaml
rviz -d $(rospack find mir_navigation)/rviz/navigation.rviz


1. Admittance


2. Hybrid Admittance Control


3. Hybrid Position Force Control



Compliant Control: 1) admittance control algorithm 2) impedance control algorithm 3) hybrid force&position algorithm in robotic arm (Universal Robot).







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  • C++ 63.2%
  • Python 18.3%
  • CMake 16.0%
  • MATLAB 2.5%