This repository contains a clink setup to be used with Windows Terminal.
Via Scoop (preferred)
The easiest way to get started is to install scoop for all the dependencies.
- Install Scoop
Open a powershell terminal:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri | Invoke-Expression
- Install a nerd font for the terminal (Cascadia Code here, but any other nerd font will work)
scoop bucket add nerd-fonts
scoop install cascadiacode-nf
- Install clink-terminal
scoop bucket add narnaud
scoop install clink-terminal narnaud/clink-completions narnaud/clink-flex-prompt
- Go to the Releases page
- Download the latest
file - Extract the files from it into a directory.
You also need to install some dependencies, see the list at the bottom.
- open the Terminal
- go to the settings
- pick the
Command Prompt
settings - change the command line to
cmd.exe /s /k clink-terminal
Also go to the Defaults
and change the Appearance>Font face to CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font
The first time you start clink-terminal, it will show something like that:
To configure a new prompt, run the configruation wizard with:
flexprompt configure
Probably one of the best feature of the prompt is that the git status is asynchrone, so you never have to wait for it to finish before being able to enter a command.
comes with some handy aliases:
: our beloved list commandll
: same, but with detailscp
: copy a file (using the unix command from git)mv
: move a file (using the unix command from git)rm
: remove a file (using the unix command from git)e
: open the Windows file explorer with the current folderclear
: clear the consolepwd
: display the current directory
The configuration has some aliases already, but you are free to add more by creating a %USERPROFILE%\.alias.yaml
, here is an example file:
# Git aliases
l: git log --graph --pretty=format:"%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset" --abbrev-commit --date=r
s: git status -sb
d: git diff
# Some cli tools
more: bat -f -p
lg: lazygit -sm half
top: btm -b
# Edit configuration files
xhost: sudo helix C:\Windows\tem32\Drivers\etc\hosts
alias: helix %USERPROFILE%\.alias.yaml
No need to add the $*
at the end, it's automatically added for you.
is integrated all the way into this current terminal configuration. The default shortcuts are:
- Ctrl+T: lists files recursively; choose one or multiple to insert them,
- Ctrl+R: lists history entries; choose one to insert it,
- Alt+C: lists subdirectories; choose one to 'cd /d' to it,
- Alt+B: lists key bindings; choose one to invoke it,
- Ctrl+Space: uses fzf to filter match completions (and supports '**' for recursive)
also comes with more advanced views (Ctrl+\
will change the preview position or hide it):
- Ctrl+E: explorer like view, with directory or file previews
- if your terminal support it, set
for better image support
- if your terminal support it, set
- Ctrl+G,Ctr+F (Git Files): git status, with diff for each file
- Ctrl+G,Ctr+S (Git Stashes): git stashes list, with diff for each file
- Ctrl+G,Ctr+H (Git History): git log, with diff for each hash
- Ctrl+G,Ctr+B (Git Branches): git branches, with log for each branch
If you set the terminal.update_title
settings to true, you can change the terminal title based on the current folder and git branch.
clink set terminal.update_title true
Once done, the terminal title will change:
- if it's a normal folder: "folder_name"
- if it's a git folder: "git_topfolder_name - [branch_name]"
It comes with other nice tools:
: a better cat with syntax highlightingfd
: find files in your filesystemrg
(ripgrep): recursive search pattern in directoriesz
(zoxide): a smartercd
Tools you should install:
- use: command line tool to setup environment defined in a json file
- yazi: blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O
To install those:
scoop install use yazi
comes y
shell wrapper that provides the ability to change the current working directory when exiting Yazi:
- Q will exit and change the current working directory
- shift-Q will exit without changing the current working directory
This won't be possible without the help of those giants: