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NetBird Kubernetes Operator

For easily provisioning access to Kubernetes resources using NetBird.



This operator easily provides NetBird access on Kubernetes clusters, allowing users to access internal resources directly.

Getting Started


  • (Recommended) helm version 3+
  • kubectl version v1.11.3+.
  • Access to a Kubernetes v1.11.3+ cluster.
  • (Recommended) Cert Manager.



Helm Installation method is recommended due to the automation of multiple settings within the deployment.

Using Helm

  1. Add helm repository.
helm repo add netbirdio
  1. (Recommended) Install cert-manager for k8s API to communicate with the NetBird operator.
kubectl apply -f
  1. Add NetBird API token
kubectl create namespace netbird
kubectl -n netbird create secret generic netbird-mgmt-api-key --from-literal=NB_API_KEY=$(cat ~/nb-pat.secret)
  1. (Recommended) Create a values.yaml file, check helm show values netbirdio/kubernetes-operator for more info.
  2. Install using helm install --create-namespace -f values.yaml -n netbird netbird-operator netbirdio/kubernetes-operator.
  3. (Recommended) Check pod status using kubectl get pods -n netbird.
  4. (Optional) Create an exposed-nginx.yaml file to create a Nginx service for testing.
  5. (Optional) Apply the Nginx service:
kubectl apply -f exposed-nginx.yaml

Learn more about the values.yaml options here and Granting controller access to NetBird Management.

Using install.yaml


install.yaml only includes a very basic template for deploying a stripped-down version of Kubernetes-operator. This excludes any and all configurations for ingress capabilities and requires the cert-manager to be installed.

kubectl create namespace netbird
kubectl apply -n netbird -f


We have developed and executed tests against Kubernetes v1.31, but it should work with most recent Kubernetes version.

Latest operator version: v0.1.1.

Tested against:

Distribution Test status Kubernetes Version
Google GKE Pass 1.31.5
AWS EKS Pass 1.31
Azure AKS Not tested N/A
OpenShift Not tested N/A

We would love community feedback to improve the test matrix. Please submit a PR with your test results.


Check the usage of and examples.



To be able to develop this project, you need to have the following tools installed:

Running tests

Running unit tests

make test

Running E2E tests

kind create cluster # If not already created, you can check with `kind get clusters`
make test-e2e