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Concerns a bug/feature in a beta release
breaking change
breaking change
This change modifies or removes some previously documented functionality
complexity: high
complexity: high
Expected to require a large amont of time and effort to implement relative to other tasks
complexity: low
complexity: low
Requires minimal effort to implement
complexity: medium
complexity: medium
Requires a substantial but not unusual amount of effort to implement
Pull requests that update a dependency file
needs milestone
needs milestone
Awaiting prioritization for inclusion with a future NetBox release
pending closure
pending closure
Requires immediate attention to avoid being closed for inactivity
plugin candidate
plugin candidate
Out-of-scope for NetBox but might be suited as a NetBox plugin
severity: high
severity: high
Completely breaks certain functions, or substantially degrades performance application-wide
severity: low
severity: low
Does not significantly disrupt application functionality, or a workaround is available
severity: medium
severity: medium
Results in substantial degraded or broken functionality for specfic workflows
status: accepted
status: accepted
This issue has been accepted for implementation
status: backlog
status: backlog
Awaiting selection for work
status: blocked
status: blocked
Another issue or external requirement is preventing implementation
status: duplicate
status: duplicate
This issue has already been raised
status: needs owner
status: needs owner
This issue is tentatively accepted pending a volunteer committed to its implementation
status: needs triage
status: needs triage
This issue is awaiting triage by a maintainer
status: revisions needed
status: revisions needed
This issue requires additional information to be actionable
status: under review
status: under review
Further discussion is needed to determine this issue's scope and/or implementation
topic: cabling
topic: cabling
topic: GraphQL
topic: GraphQL
topic: htmx navigation
topic: htmx navigation
For issues where HTMX navigation is enabled
topic: Internationalization
topic: Internationalization
topic: OpenAPI
topic: OpenAPI
topic: plugins
topic: plugins
Relates to the plugins framework