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This repository contains the FPGA design and test files for ChipWhisperer-Husky.


Husky uses a Xilinx XC7A35 FPGA; Husky Plus uses an XC7A100. Implementation is done with Vivado 2022.1.

When opening the Husky or Husky Plus project, Vivado will report some "errors" about missing IP that are not actually errors and can be safely ignored (these relate to ILA modules used in development which are not included in the repository, because they're not used in the production bitfile).

Implementation should run cleanly (no setup or hold timing violations) but timing is tight and small timing failures can occur if you're unlucky. The objective is to not have any timing violations. Sometimes this can be achieved by re-running with different synthesis and/or implementation strategies. If the changes to the source code were minor or inconsequential, this is usually sufficient to achieve clean timing.

If not, you'll have to dig a little deeper. The three main stressors for the implementation are:

  1. Almost all of the block RAM is used (for ADC, LA, and trace sample storage).
  2. Overall resource utilization is very high (except for Husky Plus).
  3. The SAD module is particularly large, runs on a fast clock, and can have long routing delays due to its large size and interconnected logic.

If you are customizing the design, you can reduce block RAM usage by reducing the size of the associated FIFOs (for an example, see what happens when TINYFIFO is defined). You can reduce overall utilization by removing modules that you do not need (e.g. SAD, glitch, trace, LA). By far the biggest bang for your buck here is the SAD module, which is huge. Its size can be controlled via the pREF_SAMPLES parameter in openadc_interface.v. Refer to the source code for more details about the SAD parameters that can be adjusted. (You'll also find several different SAD implementations; esad.v was chosen for having the best results -- smallest size for the most SAD samples -- but feel free to experiment.)

Be aware that if you go the other way on SAD and increase its size (i.e. on Husky Plus where there are sufficient FPGA resources to do so), this can drive up power consumption to the point where the current draw might be too great at higher clock frequencies, and/or the FPGA overheats (yes, this can actually happen). The scope.XADC VCC and temperature alarms can be used to protect the FPGA, but this limits useability.

There should be no violations at all on inter-clock paths. Husky's implementation constraints makes liberal use of set_clock_groups -asynchronous exceptions, and so great care must be taken when dealing with logic which uses multiple clocks (of which there are many!).

Occasionally, a bitfile can be obtained where FPGA register reads/writes are unreliable (i.e.'s test_reg_rw() test will fail), which makes the bitfile useless. Again, the solution is to re-compile with a different synthesis or implementation strategy. If this occurs, connecting to the scope object usually returns this error message: "Failed to update the MMCM secondary divider(...)". This message is a symptom, not a cause -- it occurs because read/writes are not working correctly. (The root cause of this issue is likely incorrect constraints on the SAM3U/FPGA interface; this is hard to correct because Husky uses the SAM3U SMC interface out-of-spec to squeeze as much throughput out of it as possible in streaming mode.)

The only critical warnings in the implementation log file should relate to inconsequential missing IP modules (e.g. ILAs) and the the last three dbg_hub commands.

After any modifications to the Husky source, thorough testing should be done, both in simulation and on-target, as explained in the next section.


CW-Husky is tested in two ways:

  1. Verilog simulation
  2. On-target testing

Verilog Simulation


Note that the Vivado simulator is not supported. In theory any simulator supported by cocotb should work; in practice, iverilog is what we use.

Running Simulations

Testcases are defined in the script in fpga/sim/. Run --list to lists available testcases.

To run a particular testcase: --test <testcase>.

Add the --variant plus argument to simulate the Husky Plus variant; ``--variant pro` for the Pro.

Many things are randomized when a testcase is run. To re-run a testcase with the same randomizations, specify a --seed <integer>.

Add --dump to generate a simulation waveform.

To run the full test suite: --runs <number of runs>. This launches all simulations in parallel, so start with a smaller number to avoid making your computer totally unresponsive for a few minutes.

Use --tests to regress a subset of the regression suite. For example, --tests glitches --runs 10 will run only the testcases which contain "glitches" in their name.

For simulations, all of the Vivado IP (MMCMs, XADC, clock and I/O primitives) is bypassed with the exception of the FIFOs. This is done with `ifndef __ICARUS__ in the Verilog source. This means that simulations can't fully cover all scenarios, especially with regards to different clock rates and their interactions. Different clock rates are covered extensively by on-target testing.

Simulation models for the Xilinx FIFOs are provided here, however these can sometimes be problematic as they are quite finicky about how resets should be applied. The testbench applies the reset in a way that should satisfy the Xilinx FIFO requirements but yet somehow the FIFOs can sometimes misbehave (X's propagate, status flag remain unvalid).

For this reason, we developed our own FIFOs. Their behaviour is not idential to the Xilinx FIFOs; in particular status flag latency is different (they also do not suffer from reset bugs 🤣), and while they are fully functional and can be used for implementation, they are (a) not guaranteed to be bug-free and (b) fare worse on timing closure. However, in addition to not being picky about resets, they simulate much faster. So, the Xilinx FIFOs are still used in implementation and remain the default in simulation; to use the faster FIFOs in simulation, add --fast_fifo_sim to

More detailed notes about the testbench architecture and what it does and doesn't cover can be found here.


Husky's top-level testbench does not cover trace. For this, run the TraceWhisperer testbench in its submodule. Verification of trace within Husky is covered by on-target testing (see below).

On-Target Testing

Some things can't be verified in simulation; they must be verified on the FPGA itself. runs a comprehensive series of tests automatically. Invoke it like this: pytest

Many of the tests can run without a target attached; others require a target running simpleserial firmware. In particular, the trace tests require a specific firmware to succeed; the target should be programmed with the firmware included in hardware/victims/firmware/simpleserial-trace/.

Among the things covered by

  • whether reading/writing the FPGA works reliably;
  • whether data from the ADC is sampled correctly by the FPGA;
  • whether the advertised streaming rates can be achieved;
  • whether the generated glitches have the expected shape;
  • whether triggering from trace works correctly;
  • whether different clock rates works correctly.


Simulation is always best, but sometimes bugs don't show up in simulation because the simulation environment isn't a perfect reconstruction of reality.

To hunt down bugs on the FPGA, you can either:

  • route signals of interest to the front 20-pin header and use an external logic analyzer (scope.userio already has a few options for this, and can be extended to add additional signals);
  • use the internal scope.LA logic analyzer (again, several groups of internal signals are already routed to it, and more can be added);
  • use Xilinx ILAs.

ILAs require BRAM, and Husky uses 49 of the 50 available BRAMs for storage of ADC samples, trace samples, and scope.LA samples (on Husky Plus there is a little bit more BRAM left to play with). To free up more, you can rebuild Husky with TINYFIFO defined: this reduces the size of the sample, trace, and logic analyzer FIFOs. Just be aware that you won't be able to do long captures.

If your issue involves streaming, things are a bit more complicated, since streaming requires deep storage to function properly (the SAM3U reads in bursts of 64K samples when streaming). You'll have to get creative. One option is to build without the trace and logic analyzer, by removing the corresponding defines in setup.v.


FPGA design and test files for ChipWhisperer-Husky.






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