To build the Lambda code:
mvn clean dependency:copy-dependencies
gradle build
The build artifact will be generated in build/distributions
and can be uploaded directly to AWS Lambda as the source code.
OriginalCNM: '{$.meta.cnm}'
CNMResponseStream: 'ProviderResponse'
WorkflowException: '{$.exception}'
region: 'us-west-2'
- source: '{$}'
destination: '{$.meta.cnmResponse}'
Type: Task
Resource: ${CnmResponseLambdaFunction.Arn}
- ErrorEquals:
- States.ALL
IntervalSeconds: 5
MaxAttempts: 3
- ErrorEquals:
- States.ALL
ResultPath: '$.exception'
Next: StopStatus
Next: StopStatus
- OriginalCNM is the input CNM to the function. We save this during our Translate operation that we do in the beginning of the workflow.
- CNMResponseStream is the name of the stream to write out to- Note this is not an ARN right now.
- WorkflowException is the 'exception' field from the workflow. Probably don't need to change this.
- region is the region of AWS that the ResponseStream resides in.