👋 Welcome to the Crypto Character, where all of us can own a unique character with customizable styles! The contract uses IPFS to store the style images of the character and allows the owner to add more styles to the hair, eyes, cloth, and mouth.
Note link: https://www.notion.so/Yul-Inline-assembly-notes-571105127f924e9eaf5ba206da635b51?pvs=4
There will be only one character in this contract, and if a user wants to change the hairstyle, eyes, cloth, or mouth of the character, they must pay a larger amount than the highest bid of the previous bidder. Once the payment is made, the user gains ownership of that part of the character, and the character's style is updated to the new style selected by the user.
The ownership of the part of the character can be transferred to a new owner if another user pays a larger amount than the current owner.
The Crypto Character Contract is written in both Solidity, Solidity inline assembly, and pure Yul for learning purposes.
Front-end deployed link: https://crypto-character.vercel.app/
Crypto Character Contract: https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/address/0x3Ae5A3E073Ae97EC4F53665E9D41EdD94D956cd9
The Crypto Character Contract is a fun and innovative way to own a unique character with customizable styles. The contract is secure, transparent, and decentralized, ensuring that the ownership and styles of the character remain in the hands of the most passionate users.
If you encounter any bugs or issues with the application, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.
Thank you for checking out this project!
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.