External issuers extend cert-manager to issue certificates using APIs and services which aren't built into the cert-manager core.
This repository implements an External Issuer for GlobalSign's Atlas certificate issuance API.
First install cert-manager:
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/latest/download/cert-manager.yaml
Next, install the Atlas controller and CRDs:
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/nhgs64/atlas-cert-manager/releases/latest/download/install.yaml
The controller is deployed and ready to handle Atlas requests.
There are sample yaml files in the samples directory. To start issuing, an Atlas issuer needs to be deployed along with a secret. The secret (see example config/samples/secret_issuer.yaml) holds four fields which must contain the API key, API secret, mTLS cert and mTLS key.
kubectl create secret generic issuer-sample-credentials --from-literal=apikey=123456789abc \
--from-literal=apisecret=abcdefghijkl123456789 \
--from-literal=cert="$(cat MyCert.pem)" \
--from-literal=certkey="$(cat MyCertKey.pem)"
Note: certificate and key are expected to be in PEM format, not DER
Next, deploy the issuer:
kubectl create -f config/samples/sample-issuer_v1alpha1_issuer.yaml
Kubernetes is now ready to issue Atlas certificates. Certificate and certificate request objects can be created the same way
as other cert-manager issuers, however the group in the issuerRef must specify hvca.globalsign.com
. See config/samples/certificate_issuer.yaml
for an example. Keep in mind that this new group also applies when examining issuer resources on the cluster so use
kubectl get issuers.hvca.globalsign.com
instead of
kubectl get issuers.cert-manager.io
You will need the following command line tools installed on your PATH:
If changes are made affecting CRDs, roles, deployments etc, regenerate the yaml and deploy using:
make deploy
make docker-build
The Docker image for the controller will now be available in the local docker image directory.