The purpose of this project was to model the infection rate and spread of COVID-19 in a United States Air Force Aacademy post-Phase 5 Environment.
During the height of lockdowns and the pandemic, the United States Air Force Academy made the strategic choice to continue operations and the education of their next generation of Air Force Officers. Unfortunately, this meant implementing certain restrictions on movement that proved to be catastrophic, and resulted in a number of suicides among the student body. After ammending the restrictions and adopting the 5 Phase Restriction System, the situation would improve. Despite the stringent policies and regulations however, COVID would strike the Air Force Academy with a vengeance, quickly bringing our COVID response to its highest level, Phase 5. This would mostly confine cadets to their room, however they would still need to walk across a wide area in order to get from building to building for classes, food, and operations. This wide area is called the Terrazo, wherein cadets are often packed. This simulation is a direct model of that area.