- Setup initial cutscenes to enter and exit vent
- Add logic to combine 2 pickables (spray and lighter)
- Add items
- blanket to conver with
- water hose to douse with
- Improve thrown object trajectory
- Add effects for shower warping
- Improve effects for barrier (make visible when close and on thrown items impacting)
- Improve effects for thrown arc (make dotted line fading away, match as close as possible to thrown item)
- Make thoughts sytem more versatile
- Fix the interactable text still showing when not looking at an interactable item
- If looking at locked door text will "is roomate's. open/close it?". once tried it should switch to "it's locked easily". Another try should give "roomate's door seems locked"
- Don't show pickable item's text "pick up?" when holding something already
- Fixed pokable movement and Mass impact
- Added player movement sounds
- Fixed clock mat
- Fixed zoom vignette
- Improved switch script to avoid initial sound
- Added yoyoing scale of mass
- Add an effect as vent is traversed
- Fix the washer door rotation on closing
- Look at phone call vibration on held
- Fix the delay issue with phone call
- Create a player vent movement controller
- Improve spray system to require more than a single contact to count as an attempt
- Added torch model and prefab
- Setup UI Manager for start and pause canvii
- Kill all spray particles on any impact
- Add more things in closet and bedroom
- Add spray and lighter models and preab
- Add spray particle collision logic
- Add items
- room fresherner to spray with
- bug spray and lighter to flamethrow with
- Add zoom with right click
- Allow picked items to set specific rotation
- Create script for drawers
- Fix door rotation for various furniture
- Add models for light fixtures in lobby and kitchen
- Add cracked screen image and more for the phone
- Add random pings on phone via notifications
- See how to get point light working on The Mass
- Add door script to all cabinets
- Create particle system for snowstorm
- Hide the vent exit steam at the start and unlock at Attempt 5
- Add throwables in the toilet
- Make text system more robust?
- Remove canBePicked from parent Controller_Interactables script
- Improve the look at system to stop text scaling up when leaving an item or it disappearing while still looking at it
- Added items
- broom to poke with
- shatterable glass to throw and break
- Fix entrance door shake broken
- see how to get typwriter effect corecttly when using rich text
- Fix realtime shadows
- Add a locked door shake effect
- Switch door over to open/cloe with E instead of hinge joints
- Add typewriter effect for text
- Add sound when speach shows up
- Added light switch functionality
- Add functional doors
- Add sounds to the Mass
- Add steam into vent
- Added the vents inbto the room
- Added some window sections into the room
- Add interaction system to throw
- Add interaction system to drop
- Add interaction system to pickup
- Add PSX effects
- Setup rough house layout
- Populate house with items
- Setup simple FPS controller
- Add look and describe items system
- Improve the look at system to be less intensive