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Interact with docker with the type safety of the F# language.

Build and Test FSharp.Text.Docker on Nuget

Define a dockerfile

A dockerfile can be built using a set of types for all of the supported instructions, providing type safety and compile time checking when building a Dockerfile.

A list of instructions is passed to the buildDockerfile command, which will return a string representation of that Dockerfile.

#r "nuget: FSharp.Text.Docker"
open FSharp.Text.Docker.Builders

let dockerSpecBuilder = dockerfile {
    from_stage "" "builder"
    run_exec "apt-get" "install -y wget"
    run "dotnet new console -lang F# -n foo"
    workdir "foo"
    run "dotnet build -c Release -o app"
    from ""
    expose 80
    copy_from "builder" "/path/to/source/myApp.dll" "/path/to/dest"
    cmd "dotnet /path/to/dest/myApp.dll"
dockerSpecBuilder.Build() |> System.Console.WriteLine

The output can be saved as a Dockerfile like the one below.

FROM AS builder
RUN ["apt-get","install","-y","wget"]
RUN dotnet new console -lang F# -n foo
RUN dotnet build -c Release -o app
COPY --from=builder /path/to/source

With the full F# language, it becomes relatively simple to use complex logic in building the Dockerfile. For example, this snippet will concatenate a set of shell commands into a single RUN instruction to reduce image layers.

let multipleShellCommands = 
        "apt-get update"
        "apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends wget"
        "chmod a+r paket.exe && mv paket.exe /usr/local/lib/"
        """printf '#!/bin/sh\nexec /usr/bin/mono /usr/local/lib/paket.exe "$@"' >> /usr/local/bin/paket"""
        "chmod u+x /usr/local/bin/paket"
    |> String.concat " \ \n    && "
    From ("fsharp", Some("4.1.25"), None)
    Run (ShellCommand (multipleShellCommands))
    Entrypoint (Exec ("paket", []))
] |> Dockerfile.buildDockerfile
|> printfn "%s"

The resulting output is a dockerfile as follows, useful for a small image to execute paket:

FROM fsharp:4.1.25
RUN apt-get update \ 
    && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends wget \ 
    && wget \ 
    && chmod a+r paket.exe && mv paket.exe /usr/local/lib/ \ 
    && printf '#!/bin/sh\nexec /usr/bin/mono /usr/local/lib/paket.exe "$@"' >> /usr/local/bin/paket \ 
    && chmod u+x /usr/local/bin/paket
ENTRYPOINT ["paket"]

More to come

  • Build images (not yet)
  • Run containers (not yet)