This README provides steps to install metallb load balancer for Kubernetes cluster as Nirmata add-on.
Public cloud providers offer loadbalancer type service which makes it easy to expose an applicaation outside the cluster. Metallb provides similar service for applications running on on-prem clusters. Metallb requires a routable ip range to provide an IP address to the services exposed outside the cluster. Metallb can support either layer-2 mode or BGP mode to access the service and advertise the routes. This configuration is tested in layer-2 mode.
**Metallb Version - 0.8.3 Nirmata Version - Cloud Edition Kubernetes Version - v1.16, v1.17, v1.18, v1.19
- Use the yaml available in the repo and import it into your default-add-on catalog in Nirmata. Edit the catalog application and select an add-on category (eg: Networking). This is required to select the application as an add-on.
- Cutomize the ip address range in the configmap based on your design.
- Go to your cluster in Nirmata, select add-on tab and choose deploy add-on from the catalog. Ensure that the namespace you use is "metallb-system"
- Now, go to your application that you want to expose and choose expose the deployment option
- Choose the service type as loadbalancer and configure the ports.
- Deploy the application and once it is running , verify that the service type load balancer waas assigned an IP address from the ip range.
For issues, please reach out to [email protected]