What's Changed
This release mainly includes UX improvements (less chatty, less bothering) and hover options documentation support.
New Features
Special thanks to @Grafcube who implemented this feature! Now you could have options documentation hovering above. See the screenshot:
This change means "unused xxx" warnings will only be rendered like a fading text, but no actual warning text will be popped up. I hope this will be less annoying for your UX.
Sometimes if you open a new file there will be many errors popped up, they won't anymore.
null AST is still emitting errors. Should be fixed in the next release.
Bug Fixes
Fixes the position (character) to zero, thus there won't be a rendering issue for some client.
- libnixf: disable escaping
warning for builtin by @Origami404 in #528
New Contributors
- @Grafcube made their first contribution in #526
- @Origami404 made their first contribution in #528
Full Changelog: 2.2.1...2.2.2