There is one essential idea that I must explain properly. Usually in Haskell you think of everything as a value. However, under the hood most things are implemented using references. Everytime I say "old version" or "old reference", I refer to this implementation detail. There is no way to really explain it without explaining how references are used in the implementation of Haskell.
Using immutable data structures makes it easier to reason about your programs (motivation)
All references to an immutable data structure have the same value (restriction)
Mutation can always be avoided by creating a modified copy instead (bad previous solution).
Copying can be cheap, if the data that needs to be copied is not much larger than the data that has been changed
That happens, for example, when changing the first element of a linked list. The remainder of the list can be shared in memory.
Complication (why is it bad?):
- Arrays, on the other hand, are an example of a data structure where changes can be much smaller than the copied data.
- In an array, changing a single element would necessitate a copy of the entire array.
- Thus, such copying unfortunately has a high performance cost.
- Copying can turn constant-time operations into linear-time operations (and linear-time into quadratic-time, etc.).
- How can we avoid mutation without resorting to expensive copying?
- Do the mutation, but keep track of changes
- Old references to the same data will be mutated in an equal but opposite way
- Whenever the old version is used after the mutation, reapply the changes