proposal for a candidate of leveraging:
- Apache Sling Pipes (,
- Apache Sling Resource resolution (,
- Apache Sling HTL (,
- Apache Felix Gogo (
- Apache Sling Query (
mvn clean install content-package
in gogo shell, run the following command that parses the website and creates /var/bottles tree
run egrep '' @ name bottles @ with 'pattern=(?<number>\d(\d)?) bottle(s)? of beer on the wall,' / mkdir '/var/bottles/${bottles.number}' / write 'onTheWall=${bottles.number}' 'offTheWall=${Number(bottles.number)-1}' 'sling:resourceType=bottles/line'
in your favourite groovy console, run the following groovy script, build a list pipe like this one:
def plumber = getService("");
.outputs("On the Wall!",'${line.onTheWall}')
check that list pipe is working my running following queries:
GET /services/adapt/list.csv?size=99
GET /services/adapt/list.json
now, back in gogo, add a subnode to describe the song component how to search for lines
run mkdir /var/bottles/pipes/lines / write "sling:resourceType=slingPipes/reference" "expr=/services/adapt/list"
still in gogo run that command that will set resource type of the song, allow access to user imccoy, and package up bottles for safety
run echo /var/bottles / write 'sling:resourceType=bottles/song' / allow imccoy / pkg /etc/packages/
Now enjoy the lyrics of the song by accessing
GET /var/bottles.html