- Numbers Network
- Avalanche Subnets
- Concepts
- Launch Node (avalanchego)
- Create a Subnet
- Add Validator to Subnet
- Renew Validator
- Upgrade Node (avalanchego)
- Update subnet-evm
- Updating Utilities
- Network Upgrades: Enable/Disable Precompiles
- Customize Subnet and EVM
- Precompile: Minting Native Coins
- Precompile: Configuring dynamic fees
- Precompile: Restricting Smart Contract Deployers
- Admin
- HTTPS RPC Provider
- Websocket RPC Provider
- Self-Hosted Faucet
- Wrapped NUM
- Bridge
- Archieve Node
Add Network to MetaMask, one-click by Chainlist
- Network Name: Numbers Snow
- New RPC URL: https://testnetrpc.num.network
- Chain ID: 10508
- Currency Symbol: NUM
- Block Explorer URL: https://testnet.num.network
- Websocket RPC URL: wss://testnetrpc.num.network/ws
| PRIMARY P-CHAIN ADDRESS | P-fuji1lcztar3x7ra0ajen3dtw4mdhk2cyshfhu2hzgk |
| URI | https://api.avax-test.network |
| NETWORK NAME | fuji |
| SUBNET VALIDATORS | [24WK7qiKXAumya1kKEktwj2ubBbRyq5UW A2Z8m7egVLhKf1Qj14uvXadhExM5zrB7p] |
| SUBNET ID | 81vK49Udih5qmEzU7opx3Zg9AnB33F2oqUTQKuaoWgCvFUWQe |
| CHAIN NAME | captevm |
| VM ID | kmYb53NrmqcW7gfV2FGHBHWXNA6YhhWf7R7LoQeGj9mdDYuaT |
| VM GENESIS PATH | ../genesis/genesis-nativecoin-feemgr-feerecv.json |
- avalanchego: v1.12.0-fuji
- subnet-evm: v0.6.12
Add Network to MetaMask, one-click by Chainlist
- Network Name: Numbers Jade
- New RPC URL: https://mainnetrpc.num.network
- Chain ID: 10507
- Currency Symbol: NUM
- Block Explorer URL: https://mainnet.num.network
- Websocket RPC URL: wss://mainnetrpc.num.network/ws
| PRIMARY P-CHAIN ADDRESS | P-avax142ue2exu7qxuawxe34ww8t623lv82tu2vt573g |
| URI | https://api.avax.network |
| NETWORK NAME | mainnet |
| SUBNET ID | 2gHgAgyDHQv7jzFg6MxU2yyKq5NZBpwFLFeP8xX2E3gyK1SzSQ |
| BLOCKCHAIN ID | 2PDRxzc6jMbZSTLb3sufkVszgQc2jtDnYZGtDTAAfom1CTwPsE |
| CHAIN NAME | numbersevm |
| VM ID | qeX7kcVMMkVLB9ZJKTpvtSjpLbtYooNEdpFzFShwRTFu76qdx |
| VM GENESIS PATH | ./genesis.json |
- avalanchego: v1.12.0
- subnet-evm: v0.7.0
- Avalanche's high-level components: Avalanche -> Subnets -> Chains -> VMs
- Every subnet / chain / vm has an unique ID.
- Blackhole:
, it is unchangeable.
Check the official doc for launching a node (including AWS/GCP).
You can set optional custom configs by the --chain-config-dir
parameter, and the default directory path is $HOME/.avalanchego/configs/chains/
Create subnet by subnet-cli
uses the key specified in file$PWD/.subnet-cli.pk
on the P-Chain to pay for the transaction fee.subnet-cli
uses Fuji by default. To use mainnet, add--public-uri https://api.avax.network
(details).- Avalanche transaction fee lists the subnet action fees.
Command and result
ubuntu@ip-172-31-9-106:~/bafu$ ./wizard.sh
2022-07-11T12:29:58.820Z info client/client.go:85 fetching X-Chain id
2022-07-11T12:29:58.868Z info client/client.go:91 fetched X-Chain id {"id": "2JVSBoinj9C2J33VntvzYtVJNZdN2NKiwwKjcumHUWEb5DbBrm"
2022-07-11T12:29:58.868Z info client/client.go:100 fetching AVAX asset id {"uri": "https://api.avax-test.network"}
2022-07-11T12:29:58.886Z info client/client.go:109 fetched AVAX asset id {"id": "U8iRqJoiJm8xZHAacmvYyZVwqQx6uDNtQeP3CQ6fcgQk3JqnK"}
2022-07-11T12:29:58.886Z info client/client.go:111 fetching network information
2022-07-11T12:29:58.905Z info client/client.go:120 fetched network information {"networkId": 5, "networkName": "fuji"}
8CGJYaRLChC79CCRnvd7sh5eB9E9L9dVF is already a validator on 11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY
Ready to run wizard, should we continue?
| P-CHAIN ADDRESS | P-fuji1lcztar3x7ra0ajen3dtw4mdhk2cyshfhu2hzgk |
| P-CHAIN BALANCE | 0.7980000 $AVAX |
| TX FEE | 0.201 $AVAX |
| URI | https://api.avax-test.network |
| NETWORK NAME | fuji |
| CHAIN NAME | captevm |
| VM ID | kmYb53NrmqcW7gfV2FGHBHWXNA6YhhWf7R7LoQeGj9mdDYuaT |
| VM GENESIS PATH | genesis.json |
âś” Yes, let's create! I agree to pay the fee!
2022-07-11T12:30:23.549Z info client/p.go:126 creating subnet {"dryMode": false, "assetId": "U8iRqJoiJm8xZHAacmvYyZVwqQx6uDNtQeP3CQ6fcgQk
3JqnK", "createSubnetTxFee": 100000000}
2022-07-11T12:30:23.637Z info platformvm/checker.go:73 polling subnet {"subnetId": "2fQBahhq3F9eip8KobMgjbvBEahW3153kvAy6YPDrGMTc
2022-07-11T12:30:23.638Z info platformvm/checker.go:47 polling P-Chain tx {"txId": "2fQBahhq3F9eip8KobMgjbvBEahW3153kvAy6YPDr
GMTceZcGG", "expectedStatus": "Committed"}
2022-07-11T12:30:23.638Z info poll/poll.go:42 start polling {"internal": "1s"}
2022-07-11T12:30:25.680Z info poll/poll.go:66 poll confirmed {"took": "2.042000706s"}
2022-07-11T12:30:25.680Z info platformvm/checker.go:87 finding subnets {"subnetId": "2fQBahhq3F9eip8KobMgjbvBEahW3153kvAy6YPDrGMTc
2022-07-11T12:30:25.681Z info poll/poll.go:42 start polling {"internal": "1s"}
2022-07-11T12:30:25.731Z info poll/poll.go:66 poll confirmed {"took": "50.443532ms"}
created subnet "2fQBahhq3F9eip8KobMgjbvBEahW3153kvAy6YPDrGMTceZcGG" (took 2.092444238s)
Now, time for some config changes on your node(s).
Set --whitelisted-subnets=2fQBahhq3F9eip8KobMgjbvBEahW3153kvAy6YPDrGMTceZcGG and move the compiled VM kmYb53NrmqcW7gfV2FGHBHWXNA6YhhWf7R7LoQeGj9mdD
YuaT to <build-dir>/plugins/kmYb53NrmqcW7gfV2FGHBHWXNA6YhhWf7R7LoQeGj9mdDYuaT.
When you're finished, restart your node.
âś” Yes, let's continue! I've updated --whitelisted-subnets, built my VM, and restarted my node(s)!
2022-07-11T12:31:13.342Z info client/p.go:294 adding subnet validator {"subnetId": "2fQBahhq3F9eip8KobMgjbvBEahW3153kvAy6YPDrGMTceZcGG",
"txFee": 1000000, "start": "2022-07-11T12:31:43.251Z", "end": "2022-08-01T11:08:55.000Z", "weight": 1000}
2022-07-11T12:31:13.486Z info platformvm/checker.go:47 polling P-Chain tx {"txId": "2qdbUCiUtN6MYFyJwq8MW5WDyCjVM9hrneSTbkWAB
LpTAuUf1e", "expectedStatus": "Committed"}
2022-07-11T12:31:13.486Z info poll/poll.go:42 start polling {"internal": "1s"}
2022-07-11T12:31:14.527Z info poll/poll.go:66 poll confirmed {"took": "1.04094826s"}
added 8CGJYaRLChC79CCRnvd7sh5eB9E9L9dVF to subnet 2fQBahhq3F9eip8KobMgjbvBEahW3153kvAy6YPDrGMTceZcGG validator set (took 1.04094826s)
waiting for validator 8CGJYaRLChC79CCRnvd7sh5eB9E9L9dVF to start validating 2fQBahhq3F9eip8KobMgjbvBEahW3153kvAy6YPDrGMTceZcGG...(could take a few
2022-07-11T12:34:15.134Z info client/p.go:491 creating blockchain {"subnetId": "2fQBahhq3F9eip8KobMgjbvBEahW3153kvAy6YPDrGMTceZcGG",
"chainName": "captevm", "vmId": "kmYb53NrmqcW7gfV2FGHBHWXNA6YhhWf7R7LoQeGj9mdDYuaT", "createBlockchainTxFee": 100000000}
created blockchain "29YUizsFS9pFPvYjsSKB23M2QAooU1yCE2dfSw6pBhpL46SA18" (took 112.952603ms)
| P-CHAIN ADDRESS | P-fuji1lcztar3x7ra0ajen3dtw4mdhk2cyshfhu2hzgk |
| P-CHAIN BALANCE | 0.6970000 $AVAX |
| URI | https://api.avax-test.network |
| NETWORK NAME | fuji |
| SUBNET ID | 2fQBahhq3F9eip8KobMgjbvBEahW3153kvAy6YPDrGMTceZcGG |
| BLOCKCHAIN ID | 29YUizsFS9pFPvYjsSKB23M2QAooU1yCE2dfSw6pBhpL46SA18 |
| CHAIN NAME | captevm |
| VM ID | kmYb53NrmqcW7gfV2FGHBHWXNA6YhhWf7R7LoQeGj9mdDYuaT |
| VM GENESIS PATH | genesis.json |
Check blockchain information by platform.getBlockchains
"id": "29YUizsFS9pFPvYjsSKB23M2QAooU1yCE2dfSw6pBhpL46SA18",
"name": "captevm",
"subnetID": "2fQBahhq3F9eip8KobMgjbvBEahW3153kvAy6YPDrGMTceZcGG",
"vmID": "kmYb53NrmqcW7gfV2FGHBHWXNA6YhhWf7R7LoQeGj9mdDYuaT"
Add validator to subnet
Command and result
ubuntu@ip-172-31-9-106:~/bafu$ ./subnet-cli-add-subnet-validator.sh
2022-07-11T11:14:14.608Z info client/client.go:85 fetching X-Chain id
2022-07-11T11:14:14.843Z info client/client.go:91 fetched X-Chain id {"id": "2JVSBoinj9C2J33VntvzYtVJNZdN2NKiwwKjcumHUWEb5DbBrm"}
2022-07-11T11:14:14.843Z info client/client.go:100 fetching AVAX asset id {"uri": "https://api.avax-test.network"}
2022-07-11T11:14:14.862Z info client/client.go:109 fetched AVAX asset id {"id": "U8iRqJoiJm8xZHAacmvYyZVwqQx6uDNtQeP3CQ6fcgQk3JqnK"}2022-07-11T11:14:14.862Z info client/client.go:111 fetching network information
2022-07-11T11:14:14.878Z info client/client.go:120 fetched network information {"networkId": 5, "networkName": "fuji"}
Ready to add subnet validator, should we continue?
| P-CHAIN ADDRESS | P-fuji1lcztar3x7ra0ajen3dtw4mdhk2cyshfhu2hzgk |
| P-CHAIN BALANCE | 0.7990000 $AVAX |
| TX FEE | 0.001 $AVAX |
| URI | https://api.avax-test.network |
| NETWORK NAME | fuji |
| NODE IDs | [8CGJYaRLChC79CCRnvd7sh5eB9E9L9dVF] |
âś” Yes, let's create! I agree to pay the fee!
2022-07-11T11:14:32.624Z info client/p.go:294 adding subnet validator {"subnetId": "GBEwakER8HzKT7U2mWuVafxTTAMYVQnDXeT92NcCVt4gwfLUL", "txFee": 1000000, "start": "2022-07-11T11:15:02.564Z", "end": "2022-08-01T11:08:55.000Z", "weight": 1000}
2022-07-11T11:14:32.741Z info platformvm/checker.go:47 polling P-Chain tx {"txId": "2Hptsj3d3YxF1riZTG9aFHFrjqNMWfpGmPFyHevSSaUDsob4uy", "expectedStatus": "Committed"}
2022-07-11T11:14:32.742Z info poll/poll.go:42 start polling {"internal": "1s"}
2022-07-11T11:14:34.782Z info poll/poll.go:66 poll confirmed {"took": "2.040226592s"}
added 8CGJYaRLChC79CCRnvd7sh5eB9E9L9dVF to subnet GBEwakER8HzKT7U2mWuVafxTTAMYVQnDXeT92NcCVt4gwfLUL validator set (took 2.040226592s)
waiting for validator 8CGJYaRLChC79CCRnvd7sh5eB9E9L9dVF to start validating GBEwakER8HzKT7U2mWuVafxTTAMYVQnDXeT92NcCVt4gwfLUL...(could take a few minutes)
| P-CHAIN ADDRESS | P-fuji1lcztar3x7ra0ajen3dtw4mdhk2cyshfhu2hzgk |
| P-CHAIN BALANCE | 0.7980000 $AVAX |
| URI | https://api.avax-test.network |
| NETWORK NAME | fuji |
| NODE IDs | [8CGJYaRLChC79CCRnvd7sh5eB9E9L9dVF] |
| VALIDATE START | 2022-07-11T11:15:02Z |
| VALIDATE END | 2022-08-01T11:08:55Z |
Launch validator. When running avalanchego
, add
: Make MetaMask can access the RPC URL--http-allowed-hosts="*"
: Allow traffic from the RPC node (since v1.10.3)
./avalanchego \
--network-id=fuji \
--http-host= \
--http-allowed-hosts="*" \
High-level concepts
- Make a node as validator
- Visit wallet.avax.network
- Follow the steps in this official doc.
- Ensure there is sufficient balance on P-Chain.
- Add the validator to the subnet
Ues subnet admin to run
. Find the Subnet admin in the Subnets section below.- In general, you will run
on your notebook instead of validator nodes. - You can use
to install.
- In general, you will run
Run the command
# testnet subnet-cli add subnet-validator \ --node-ids="NodeID-7TwAjiRpTbNcqUx6F9EoyXRBLAfeoQXRq" \ --subnet-id="81vK49Udih5qmEzU7opx3Zg9AnB33F2oqUTQKuaoWgCvFUWQe" # mainnet subnet-cli add subnet-validator \ --node-ids="NodeID-BXTBUqX8gitUDtVam4fhRWGD1SfeHGoBx" \ --subnet-id="2gHgAgyDHQv7jzFg6MxU2yyKq5NZBpwFLFeP8xX2E3gyK1SzSQ" \ --public-uri "https://api.avax.network"
will find private key from$PWD/.subnet-cli.pk
by default. -
The wallet needs to have 0.001 AVAX at least on P-Chain (Fuji).
If you see Error: validator not found
when adding a validator to subnet and confirmed that you've re-staked successfully, you can check if the node is running as P-Chain validator by checking the node's explorer page: https://subnets-test.avax.network/validators/NodeID-<node-id>
. After re-staking, P-Chain needs minutes to update the validator status.
If the validator's staking duration is expired, the staking amount and rewards will be sent to the staking wallet on P-Chain automatically. You can follow the same steps above to add it as a validator again.
Before validation staking expires, any wallet can not stake to a validator again. If you try to do so on wallet.avax.network, you will get the error message
couldn't issue tx: attempted to issue duplicate validation for NodeID-A2Z8m7egVLhKf1Qj14uvXadhExM5zrB7p
Validator version distributions: mainnet, testnet
Renew Numbers Validators (internal task)
If you're asked to provide BLS Public Key and BLS Signature, you can get them by running the following command on the validator node:
curl -X POST --data '{
"id" :1,
"method" :"info.getNodeID"
}' -H 'content-type:application/json;'
It should return something like this.
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"nodeID": "NodeID-5mb46qkSBj81k9g9e4VFjGGSbaaSLFRzD",
"nodePOP": {
"publicKey": "0x8f95423f7142d00a48e1014a3de8d28907d420dc33b3052a6dee03a3f2941a393c2351e354704ca66a3fc29870282e15",
"proofOfPossession": "0x86a3ab4c45cfe31cae34c1d06f212434ac71b1be6cfe046c80c162e057614a94a5bc9f1ded1a7029deb0ba4ca7c9b71411e293438691be79c2dbf19d1ca7c3eadb9c756246fc5de5b7b89511c7d7302ae051d9e03d7991138299b5ed6a570a98"
"id": 1
The publicKey is your BLS Public Key, and proofOfPossession is your BLS Signature. Avalanche uses your public key as the signing message (source 1, source 2).
MetaMask RPC rule: http://NodeIPAddress:9650/ext/bc/BlockchainID/rpc
Use Nginx as RPC load balancer.
$ vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
Test the RPC connectivity and functionality:
$ python3 rpc/rpc_test.py
Testing result:
Testing Mainnet RPC
Node is reachable, HTTP Status Code: 200
RPC request successful, Response Data: {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': 1, 'result': 'v0.7.0'}
RPC request successful, Response Data: {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': 10507, 'result': '0x290b'}
Testing Testnet RPC
Node is reachable, HTTP Status Code: 200
RPC request successful, Response Data: {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': 1, 'result': 'v0.6.12'}
RPC request successful, Response Data: {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': 10508, 'result': '0x290c'}
Backup node
cd cp ~/.avalanchego/staking/staker.crt . cp ~/.avalanchego/staking/staker.key .
Download pre-build
binary toavalanchego/plugins/<vmid>
Stop the running
Start the new
When upgrading node, you need to upgrade EVM and plugins as well.
jpop32 — 05/12/2021 Plugin is the part of the installation. And it has to be upgraded along with the main executable, yes.
Since avalanchego v1.9.6
, there are two breaking changes
- There is no
(Subnet EVM) because it has been merged intoavalanchego
directly. - The default plugins directory is
$ tree avalanchego-v1.9.6
└── avalanchego
$ tree ~/.avalanchego/plugins/
└── kmYb53NrmqcW7gfV2FGHBHWXNA6YhhWf7R7LoQeGj9mdDYuaT
- Download the latest pre-built binary on subnet-evm GitHub.
- Copy the subnet-evm binary to
- Restart node (
See chains/update-validator-{mainnet,testnet}.sh
- https://docs.avax.network/subnets/customize-a-subnet#network-upgrades-enabledisable-precompiles
- ava-labs/subnet-evm#177 (comment)
Each blockchain has some genesis state when it’s created. Each Virtual Machine defines the format and semantics of its genesis data.
Config directory structure
$ tree ~/.avalanchego/configs/
├── chains
│ └── 29YUizsFS9pFPvYjsSKB23M2QAooU1yCE2dfSw6pBhpL46SA18
│ └── config.json
└── subnets
└── 2fQBahhq3F9eip8KobMgjbvBEahW3153kvAy6YPDrGMTceZcGG.json
- After updating
needs to be restarted. - If you add fee recipient, the fee recipient will get 100% gas fee.
- https://docs.avax.network/subnets/customize-a-subnet
- https://github.com/ava-labs/subnet-evm/tree/master/contract-examples
> contract = await ethers.getContractAt("NativeMinterInterface", "0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000001")
> [admin] = await ethers.getSigners()
> await admin.getBalance()
BigNumber { value: "99999999999845284000000300" }
> r = await contract.mintNativeCoin(admin.address, 100)
> await admin.getBalance()
BigNumber { value: "99999999999793712000000400" }
Check the official doc for the details.
Signature (Method ID): 0x4f5aaaba
[0]: 0000000000000000000000008cba0477d89394e6d8ad658e11d52113a2da4ab2
[1]: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001acff4350c4a1576280000
decode [1], the result is 32414106000000000000000000
(32,414,106 in Wei).
> fm = await ethers.getContractAt("IFeeManager", "0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000003")
> await fm.getFeeConfig()
BigNumber { value: "20000000" },
BigNumber { value: "2" },
BigNumber { value: "1000000000" },
BigNumber { value: "100000000" },
BigNumber { value: "48" },
BigNumber { value: "0" },
BigNumber { value: "10000000" },
BigNumber { value: "500000" },
gasLimit: BigNumber { value: "20000000" },
targetBlockRate: BigNumber { value: "2" },
minBaseFee: BigNumber { value: "1000000000" },
targetGas: BigNumber { value: "100000000" },
baseFeeChangeDenominator: BigNumber { value: "48" },
minBlockGasCost: BigNumber { value: "0" },
maxBlockGasCost: BigNumber { value: "10000000" },
blockGasCostStep: BigNumber { value: "500000" }
> await fm.setFeeConfig(20000000, 2, 1000000000, 100000000, 48, 0, 10000000, 500000)
> await fm.getFeeConfig()
BigNumber { value: "20000000" },
BigNumber { value: "2" },
BigNumber { value: "2000000000" },
BigNumber { value: "100000000" },
BigNumber { value: "48" },
BigNumber { value: "0" },
BigNumber { value: "10000000" },
BigNumber { value: "500000" },
gasLimit: BigNumber { value: "20000000" },
targetBlockRate: BigNumber { value: "2" },
minBaseFee: BigNumber { value: "2000000000" },
targetGas: BigNumber { value: "100000000" },
baseFeeChangeDenominator: BigNumber { value: "48" },
minBlockGasCost: BigNumber { value: "0" },
maxBlockGasCost: BigNumber { value: "10000000" },
blockGasCostStep: BigNumber { value: "500000" }
Check the official doc for the details.
> contract = await ethers.getContractAt("IAllowList", "0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000000")
> [admin, test] = await ethers.getSigners()
# 0: None, 1: Enabled, 2: Admin
> await contract.readAllowList(admin.address)
BigNumber { value: "2" }
> await contract.readAllowList(test.address)
BigNumber { value: "0" }
> await contract.setEnabled(test.address)
hash: '0xd117e990e85c2428a620f9bd834b0597db1648f3d2fa5899d929fd1701d46e01',
type: 0,
accessList: null,
blockHash: '0xf6063f0c5e86ab4efaf970e901ca3f5be3335ec61ab8f50fc075a6915f5e19e5',
blockNumber: 5,
transactionIndex: 0,
confirmations: 1,
from: '0x8Cba0477d89394E6d8aD658E11d52113A2DA4Ab2',
gasPrice: BigNumber { value: "100000000000" },
gasLimit: BigNumber { value: "41432" },
to: '0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000000',
value: BigNumber { value: "0" },
nonce: 2,
data: '0x0aaf704300000000000000000000000063b7076fc0a914af543c2e5c201df6c29fcc18c5',
r: '0x01e0c663a55757e12237f001811cab7a610c3ebfeba99ac9f0e29cbe4f4bd5ed',
s: '0x38b126e31bb8ee608e45554956c9a6eefb091961755283f9dff69964c2512f41',
v: 21049,
creates: null,
chainId: 10507,
wait: [Function (anonymous)]
> await contract.readAllowList(test.address)
BigNumber { value: "1" }
Check the official doc for the details.
avalanchego-api-scripts is the admin toolkit.
Node will show "consensus starting" for both C-Chain and P-Chain:
[10-02|06:32:32.114] INFO <C Chain> snowman/transitive.go:401 consensus starting {"lastAcceptedBlock": "2L56FDEYAemMKTJ2uD1MnGpC1pC2WBgeNtwyjh6AhgTffvCWR2"}
[10-02|06:32:32.117] INFO <P Chain> snowman/transitive.go:401 consensus starting {"lastAcceptedBlock": "22egidV1exdWT8ckaAf8dv9YiWAs2ESmY2NmtJUwNqBGCyNef2"}
[10-02|06:32:41.919] INFO <X Chain> avalanche/transitive.go:346 consensus starting {"lenFrontier": 1}
Now, you can check if the Node is running normally.
$ cd ~/avalanchego-api-scripts/api
$ watch -n 5 ./info.isBootstrapped.sh X
$ watch -n 5 ./info.isBootstrapped.sh 2oo5UvYgFQikM7KBsMXFQE3RQv3xAFFc8JY2GEBNBF1tp4JaeZ
$ watch -n 5 ./health.health.sh
# Show validators by giving the Subnet ID
$ ./platform.getCurrentValidators.sh 81vK49Udih5qmEzU7opx3Zg9AnB33F2oqUTQKuaoWgCvFUWQe | jq .
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 1318 100 1139 100 179 21189 3330 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 24867
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"validators": [
"txID": "QWwjVDJTX2pSYxi5oNk51VeZaZPip9jZnSVhLqipgKMRJDxFP",
"startTime": "1662288001",
"endTime": "1677599993",
"stakeAmount": "1000",
"nodeID": "NodeID-7TwAjiRpTbNcqUx6F9EoyXRBLAfeoQXRq",
"connected": true,
"uptime": "1.0000"
"txID": "2cfHmfw29UBCjMDTRb9RwistPFekmHzEdfpNci1TLLeoMdtckZ",
"startTime": "1662363248",
"endTime": "1680278397",
"stakeAmount": "1000",
"nodeID": "NodeID-JbeonHKqomERomXgCiXr9oC9vfynkBupj",
"connected": true,
"uptime": "1.0000"
"txID": "2PqA6BE5wiA5iE9yZeMsfaSag4pT5U1uxMMGyia1HCF6SEUNRe",
"startTime": "1662364392",
"endTime": "1682870344",
"stakeAmount": "1000",
"nodeID": "NodeID-BffXkmzM8EwrBZgpqFp9pwgE9DbDgYKG2",
"connected": true,
"uptime": "1.0000"
"txID": "26mBFfgiFTz3eFo1QAmvMiBpfTtmgMvzPJ2eB5V6WjK2CkTcuJ",
"startTime": "1667294891",
"endTime": "1685548750",
"stakeAmount": "1000",
"nodeID": "NodeID-24WK7qiKXAumya1kKEktwj2ubBbRyq5UW",
"connected": true,
"uptime": "1.0000"
"txID": "kApLebvYz54fRratWmWqEttbNktbCDQMK93mDmr1rm9w64gDU",
"startTime": "1669827497",
"endTime": "1688140751",
"stakeAmount": "1000",
"nodeID": "NodeID-A2Z8m7egVLhKf1Qj14uvXadhExM5zrB7p",
"connected": true,
"uptime": "1.0000"
"id": 1
Using info.peers
to check all the nodes and versions in a subnet. The nodes might not be validators. The node running the command will not be listed in the result. Remember to add --public-ip=<public-ip>
when running avalanchego
. Check public IPs are correct and uptimes are > 98.
$ ./info.peers.sh | jq .
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 2027 100 1661 100 366 435k 98255 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 659k
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"numPeers": "4",
"peers": [
"ip": "<private-or-public-ip-and-port>",
"publicIP": "private-ip-and-port",
"nodeID": "NodeID-A2Z8m7egVLhKf1Qj14uvXadhExM5zrB7p",
"version": "avalanche/1.9.4",
"lastSent": "2023-01-27T17:03:56Z",
"lastReceived": "2023-01-27T17:03:52Z",
"observedUptime": "99",
"observedSubnetUptimes": {
"81vK49Udih5qmEzU7opx3Zg9AnB33F2oqUTQKuaoWgCvFUWQe": "99"
"trackedSubnets": [
"benched": []
"id": 1
Concept: Nginx with Certbot as reverse proxy redirects RPC requests to the validators.
Concept: Nginx with Certbot as reverse proxy redirects RPC requests to the websocket endpoint of validators.
Websocket log subscription example using Python:
pip3 install websockets
import asyncio
import json
from websockets import connect
async def get_event():
async with connect('wss://testnetrpc.num.network/ws') as ws:
await ws.send('{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "id": 1, "method": "eth_subscribe", "params": ["logs", {"topics": []}]}')
subscription_response = await ws.recv()
while True:
message = await asyncio.wait_for(ws.recv(), timeout=60)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
except Exception as e:
print(f'Error: {e}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Create product build.
- Copy
where product server.ts is there.
- Copy
. -
Update Nginx config.
+upstream faucet { + server localhost:8000 +} ... - root /var/www/html; + root /var/www/html/faucet; ... + location /api/ { + proxy_pass http://faucet + }
Run product server:
npm start
Utility commands
$ sudo service nginx configtest $ sudo service nginx reload
We completed a technical survey and verified some concepts on the testnet.
If you are interested in wrapped ERC20 token, refer to canonical-wnum.
To bridge native NUM to ERC20/BEP20 NUM, you can use XY Finance (audit report).
To know more about NUM token, you can visit the NUM token website.
Archive Node provides full history of the blockchain and does not need to be a validator.
Make a Full Node instance to be an Archive Node instance:
Create an instance from full node image
Increase disk space to 2TB
Update network config
- mainnet:
- testnet:
{ "pruning-enabled": false, # newly added content "eth-apis": [ "eth", "eth-filter", "net", "web3", "internal-eth", "internal-blockchain", "internal-transaction", "debug-tracer" ] }
- mainnet:
Run an Archive Node by
Run an archive node for mainnet
#!/bin/sh # Subnet IDs SUBNET_MAINNET="2gHgAgyDHQv7jzFg6MxU2yyKq5NZBpwFLFeP8xX2E3gyK1SzSQ" ./avalanchego \ --track-subnets=${SUBNET_MAINNET} \ --http-host= \ --public-ip=<node-public-ip> \ --http-allowed-hosts="*"
Run an archive node for testnet
#!/bin/sh # Subnet IDs SUBNET_MAINNET="81vK49Udih5qmEzU7opx3Zg9AnB33F2oqUTQKuaoWgCvFUWQe" ./avalanchego \ --track-subnets=${SUBNET_MAINNET} \ --http-host= \ --public-ip=<node-public-ip> \ --http-allowed-hosts="*"
(optional) Test an Archive Node
Run the commands on the Archive Node's instances for testing it's working as Archive Node.
For mainnet
$ curl http://localhost:9650/ext/bc/2PDRxzc6jMbZSTLb3sufkVszgQc2jtDnYZGtDTAAfom1CTwPsE/rpc \ -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{"method":"debug_traceTransaction","params":["0x9a241e580d29d90d890316559d055c0df5cc7203be43b166d63c51de2218efc8"],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'
For testnet
$ curl http://localhost:9650/ext/bc/2oo5UvYgFQikM7KBsMXFQE3RQv3xAFFc8JY2GEBNBF1tp4JaeZ/rpc \ -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{"method":"debug_traceTransaction","params":["0x7d2dec6c3e7ce2a387d988a0603ce7de6d487d6aeaf6b58eabdb123161cee0a2"],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'