This repository and its references contain the models, data and scripts used to carry out the experiments in the Probabilistic Matrix Factorization for Gene Regulatory Network Inference paper.
We used a Linux OS with an Nvidia GPU with 16 GB of memory.
A conda environment file (environment.yml) is provided as part of this repository. It may contain packages beyond those needed to run the scripts here.
CUDA (We used version 11.1)
All data used by PMF-GRN in this paper can be found here. We recommend downloading this entire folder to the repository root for ease of use with the scripts provided in this README.
Single-cell gene expression datasets obtained from NCBI GEO (GSE125162 & GSE144820). Prior-known TF-target gene interaction matrix obtained from the YEASTRACT database (Monteiro et al. 2020, Teixeira et al. 2018). Gold Standard TF-target gene interactions matrix obtained from Tchourine et al. 2018.
To carry out inference using the hyperparameter configurations used in the paper, use the following scripts for GSE125162 and GSE144820 respectively:
python -m training.train --expression-path data/yeast/GSE125162.h5ad --gene-tf-prior-path data/yeast/YEASTRACT_20190713_BOTH.h5ad --gd-type full_dataset --batch-size 0 --num-epochs 20000 --save-period 20000 --save-dir experiments/yeast/GSE125162 --module-name Gaussian3M --lr 0.1 --min-lr 0.1 --clip-norm 0.0001 --min-prior-hparam 0.0005 --max-prior-hparam 0.9995 --use-gpu --prior-std-logit-A 2 --prior-std-log-U 5 --val-after 100 --first-100-val-after 10 --num-auprc-logit-sampling-iters 100 --val-loss-type neg_mll --num-mll-samples 10 --val-kl-anneal-factor 1 --num-annealing-iters 999999 --initial-annealing-factor 10 --guide-max-std-log-U 2
python -m training.train --expression-path data/yeast/GSE144820.h5ad --gene-tf-prior-path data/yeast/YEASTRACT_20190713_BOTH.h5ad --gd-type full_dataset --batch-size 0 --num-epochs 20000 --save-period 20000 --save-dir experiments/yeast/GSE144820 --module-name Gaussian3M --lr 0.1 --min-lr 0.1 --clip-norm 0.0001 --min-prior-hparam 0.0005 --max-prior-hparam 0.9995 --use-gpu --prior-std-logit-A 2 --prior-std-log-U 5 --val-after 100 --first-100-val-after 10 --val-loss-type neg_mll --num-mll-samples 10 --val-kl-anneal-factor 1 --num-annealing-iters 999999 --initial-annealing-factor 10 --guide-max-std-log-U 2
To evaluate inferred GRNs and obtain an inferred consensus GRN (results will be saved to arg of --output-dir
i.e. yeast_results):
python --exp-dirs experiments/yeast/GSE125162 experiments/yeast/GSE144820 --gold-standard-path data/yeast/gold_standard.tsv --output-dir experiments/yeast/results --expression-names GSE125162 GSE144820 --num-sampling-iters 500
Microarray gene expression datasets obtained from NCBI GEO GSE27219 (B1) & GSE67023 (B2). Prior-known TF-target gene and gold standard interactions matrix were obtained from the Subtiwiki database (Faria et al. 2016).
To carry out inference using the hyperparameter configurations used in the paper, use the following scripts for B1 and B2 respectively, replacing {} with the desired cross validation split (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5):
python -m training.train --expression-path data/bsubtilis/bsubtilis_expression_b1.h5ad, --gene-tf-prior-path data/bsubtilis/cv_training_prior_{}.h5ad --gd-type full_dataset, --batch-size 0 --num-epochs 4000, --save-period 4000 --save-dir experiments/bsubtilis/B1/split_{} --module-name Gaussian3M --lr 0.1 --min-lr 0.1 --clip-norm 0.0001, --min-prior-hparam 0.0005 --max-prior-hparam 0.9995 --use-gpu --prior-std-logit-A {2} --prior-std-log-U {3}, --val-after 100 --first-100-val-after 10 --val-gold-standard-path data/bsubtilis/cv_validation_gs_{}.tsv, --num-auprc-logit-sampling-iters 100, --val-kl-anneal-factor 1 --num-annealing-iters 999999 --initial-annealing-factor {4} --guide-max-std-log-U 2
python -m training.train --expression-path data/bsubtilis/bsubtilis_expression_b2.h5ad, --gene-tf-prior-path data/bsubtilis/cv_training_prior_{}.h5ad --gd-type full_dataset, --batch-size 0 --num-epochs 4000, --save-period 4000 --save-dir experiments/bsubtilis/B2/split_{} --module-name Gaussian3M --lr 0.1 --min-lr 0.1 --clip-norm 0.0001, --min-prior-hparam 0.0005 --max-prior-hparam 0.9995 --use-gpu --prior-std-logit-A {2} --prior-std-log-U {3}, --val-after 100 --first-100-val-after 10 --val-gold-standard-path data/bsubtilis/cv_validation_gs_{}.tsv, --num-auprc-logit-sampling-iters 100, --val-kl-anneal-factor 1 --num-annealing-iters 999999 --initial-annealing-factor {4} --guide-max-std-log-U 2
To evaluate inferred GRNs and obtain an inferred consensus GRN (again, replace {} with the desired cross validation split
(1, 2, 3, 4 or 5)):
python --exp-dirs experiments/bsubtilis/B1/split_{} experiments/bsubtilis/B1/split_{} --gold-standard-path data/bsubtilis/validation_gs_{}.tsv --output-dir bsubtilis/results/B1/split_{} --expression-names B1 B2
An easy way of running this script for all splits (1-5 in this case) is as follows:
for i in {1..5}; do python --exp-dirs experiments/bsubtilis/B1/split_$i experiments/bsubtilis/B1/split_$i --gold-standard-path data/bsubtilis/validation_gs_$i.tsv --output-dir experiments/bsubtilis/results/B1/split_$i --expression-names B1 B2
To carry out hyperparameter search, first split prior hyperparameters into training and validation using
. Using S. Cerevisiae GSE125162 as an example:
python --original-prior-path data/yeast/YEASTRACT_20190713_BOTH.h5ad --output-dir data/yeast/hp_search_prior_and_gs --val-frac 0.2
To create hyperparameter scripts using this split, use
This script has been designed for a slurm-based system but can be modified to run without slurm.
Its contents can be modified depending on the dataset including expression and prior files,
hyperparameters over which to carry out a random search, and the possible values of these hyperparameters.
Other options can be changed as well such as the use of minibatches instead of full dataset gradient descent.
Use the script as follows:
Running the script above will have created several files, each of which is a slurm script for an experiment
corresponding to a particular hyperparameter configuration. Run all these scripts using the following command:
for FNAME in train_yeast_expr_*sbatch; do sbatch $FNAME; done
Once all the hyperparameter search experiments have finished running, the results of the search can be
saved to a file as follows (this file is yeast_hp_results.txt
in this example):
python --parent-dnames experiments/yeast-hpsearch/GSE125162 experiments/yeast-hpsearch/GSE144820 --output-path experiments/yeast-hpsearch/yeast_hp_results.txt
The best hyperparameter configuration for each expression file as given in the results file from the above script can then be used to run a new experiment with the original, full prior as done in the Datasets and Inference part of this README.
Posterior parameters for the matrix A inferred by PMF-GRN are given
as best_iter.params
in each case.
For each dataset (yeast and b. subtilis), we have also provided a results
containing the output of the
script, which gives each inferred GRN including one additional consensus GRN
as a tsv file following Monte Carlo sampling.
Associated AUPRC values are also given in a text file for each dataset.
Note that the inferred GRNs and AUPRC values will change slightly each time
is run due to the stochastic
nature of Monte Carlo sampling.
To evaluate calibration for an inferred GRN, use the
script as in the following example:
python --exp-dir experiments/yeast/GSE144820 --gold-standard-path data/yeast/gold_standard.tsv --output-dir experiments/yeast/results/calibration_GSE144820
Results will be saved to the argument of --output-dir
Scripts used to run the Inferelator experiments in the paper and the resulting inferred GRNs are provided here.