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OASIS-OP-Admin edited this page Oct 31, 2023 · 2 revisions


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||NOTE: This wiki is provided by the standards consortium as a collaborative tool for members of the, who are permitted to post to these pages. As this is an official workspace of the TC, the and apply to its use. To learn more about the work of the TC, send a comment, or join this effort, visit the homepage. ||Wiki pages are transient documents, so intermediate edits may not be saved. TC members should move all permanent work and stable artifacts to the TC's, where the archival work product of the TC also can be viewed by the public.


The OASIS DITA TC uses this Wiki for agendas for the weekly call, collaborative design work, and project tracking.


== Agendas == See AgendaBacklog for a back log of items for discussion at DITA TC meetings. The DITA TC leadership uses items from this list, as well as posts from the TC mailing list and the dita-comment list to construct the weekly agenda. The agenda is usually completed in the hour prior to the TC meeting.

=== 26 September 2023 === '''Dial-in info''': Passwords stored at

11 AM ET open

  1. '''Roll call'''
  • Regrets: Scott Hudson, Stan Doherty
  1. '''Approve minutes from previous business meeting:'''
  1. '''Action items and volunteer tasks'''
  • 08 November 2022:
    • Kris: Sketch out organization of "Changes from DITA 1.3 to DITA 2.0" topics for base spec
  • 17 January 2023
    • Robert: Devise way to generate aggregated "Rendering expectations" topic"
  • 24 January 2023
    • Robert: Work on mentions of error conditions in body text; aggregated error conditions in appendix
    • Kris: Update wording in spec about processing reltables
  • 07 March 2023
    • Kris & Robert: Consider Eliot's latest e-mail about "Cascading attribute values" and consider where adjustments are need in regard to text and examples
  • 11 July 2023
    • Kris: Develop a DITA 2.0 backlog '''In progress'''
  • 18 July 2023
    • Scott and Eliot: Start to update L&T files to work with 2.0 base. '''In progress'''
  • 15 August 2023
    • Eliot: Review DITA 2.0 draft spec and determine whether it contains guidance for the things that Dennis Troaca queried about on DITA comment '''COMPLETED'''
    • Nancy: Update public page for the DITA TC to let people know where to find the most recent DITA 2.0 PDF
    • Kris: Respond to dita-comment post by Weiwu Zhang and direct them to dita-users '''COMPLETED'''
  • 19 September 2023
    • Kris: Schedule calls with Christina and Dawn '''COMPLETED'''
    • Kris: Ping Chet and Scott McGrath about replacements for OASIS Wiki functionality '''COMPLETED'''
    • Kris: Complete additional test about link on base spec PDF cover; ping OASIS about permalink if needed
  1. '''Announcements'''
  • ?
  1. '''e-mails from dita-comment list'''
  1. '''Review K: Bookmap structure elements'''
  1. '''Volunteer spec assignments'''
  1. '''DITA 2.0 backlog'''
  1. '''Review U: Overview of DITA'''
  1. '''Review F: Syntax diagram domain'''
  1. '''Review H: Release management domain'''
  1. '''Review J: Bookmap metadata elements'''

12 noon ET close

=== Previous agendas === See PreviousAgendas

== Helpful links ==

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Mandatory OASIS header, do not move or remove:

||NOTE: This wiki is provided by the standards consortium as a collaborative tool for members of the, who are permitted to post to these pages. As this is an official workspace of the TC, the and apply to its use. To learn more about the work of the TC, send a comment, or join this effort, visit the homepage. ||Wiki pages are transient documents, so intermediate edits may not be saved. TC members should move all permanent work and stable artifacts to the TC's, where the archival work product of the TC also can be viewed by the public.


The OASIS DITA TC uses this Wiki for agendas for the weekly call, collaborative design work, and project tracking.


== Agendas == See AgendaBacklog for a back log of items for discussion at DITA TC meetings. The DITA TC leadership uses items from this list, as well as posts from the TC mailing list and the dita-comment list to construct the weekly agenda. The agenda is usually completed in the hour prior to the TC meeting.

=== 19 September 2023 === '''Dial-in info''': Passwords stored at

11 AM ET open

  1. '''Roll call'''
  • Regrets:
  1. '''Approve minutes from previous business meeting:'''
  1. '''Action items and volunteer tasks'''
  • 08 November 2022:
    • Kris: Sketch out organization of "Changes from DITA 1.3 to DITA 2.0" topics for base spec
  • 17 January 2023
    • Robert: Devise way to generate aggregated "Rendering expectations" topic"
  • 24 January 2023
    • Robert & Bill: Work on mentions of error conditions in body text; aggregated error conditions in appendix
    • Kris: Update wording in spec about processing reltables
  • 07 March 2023
    • Eliot: Look at his original e-mail about "Cascading attribute values" and consider @scope and @format. See also minutes/action items from 10 January 2023.
    • Kris & Robert: Consider Eliot's latest e-mail about "Cascading attribute values" and consider where adjustments are need in regard to text and examples
  • 11 July 2023
    • Kris: Develop a DITA 2.0 backlog '''In progress'''
  • 18 July 2023
    • Dawn: Check with Brianna on extent to which she's updated L&T for 2.0.
    • Scott and Eliot: Start to update L&T files to work with 2.0 base. '''In progress'''
  • 08 August 2023
  • 15 August 2023
    • Eliot: Review DITA 2.0 draft spec and determine whether it contains guidance for the things that Dennis Troaca queried about on DITA comment
    • Nancy: Update public page for the DITA TC to let people know where to find the most recent DITA 2.0 PDF
    • Kris: Respond to dita-comment post by Weiwu Zhang and direct them to dita-users
  • 05 September 2023
    • Kris and Robert: Hold a spec editors call '''Completed'''
    • Kris and Robert: pull updated bookmap material and look at changes in preparation for TC review '''Completed'''
  1. '''Announcements'''
  • ?
  1. '''e-mails from dita-comment list'''
  1. '''Update from LwDITA subcommittee'''

  2. '''Volunteer spec assignments'''

  1. '''DITA 2.0 backlog'''
  1. '''Review U: Overview of DITA'''
  1. '''Review F: Syntax diagram domain'''
  1. '''Review H: Release management domain'''
  1. '''Review J: Bookmap metadata elements'''

12 noon ET close

=== Previous agendas === See PreviousAgendas

== Helpful links ==