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A Helm chart for Obot


To install the chart with the release name obot:

helm repo add obot
helm install obot obot/obot


This chart defaults to the enterprise version of Obot. To install this version, you must create an imagePullSecret and configure that in the chart. If you want to use the open-source version of Obot instead, set image.repository to


Key Type Default Description
config.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID string "" An AWS access key with permissions for AWS KMS, used for encryption
config.AWS_REGION string "" An AWS region, used to access AWS KMS
config.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY string "" An AWS secret access key with permissions for AWS KMS, used for encryption
config.GEMINI_API_KEY string "" A Google Gemini API Key used to configure access to the Gemini Developer API. This is used to generate images for Obots.
config.GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN string "" A github PAT, used to authenticate tool pulls to avoid github ratelimiting
config.KINM_DB_CONNECTIONS string "5" Advanced - the number of connections in the database pool for kinm
config.NAH_THREADINESS string "10000" Advanced - sets the number of concurrent threads that can run in the Obot controller
config.OBOT_BOOTSTRAP_TOKEN string "" Sets a bootstrap token. If authentication is enabled, one will be autogenerated for you if this is not set.
config.OBOT_GCP_KMS_KEY_URI string "" The URI of a Google Cloud KMS key, used for encryption
config.OBOT_SERVER_AUTH_ADMIN_EMAILS string "" A comma separated list of email addresses that will have the Admin role in Obot.
config.OBOT_SERVER_DSN string "" The DSN for your database. For example: postgres://:@/<db_name>
config.OBOT_SERVER_ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION bool true Enables authentication for Obot
config.OBOT_SERVER_ENCRYPTION_PROVIDER string "" Configures an encryption provider for credentials in Obot
config.OBOT_SERVER_HOSTNAME string "" The hostname of your Obot instance, including protocol
config.OBOT_SERVER_IGNORE_INACTIVE bool false whether the controller processes objects that have been marked as inactive
config.OBOT_SERVER_KNOWLEDGE_FILE_WORKERS string "5" Advanced - sets the number of workers for knowledge
config.OBOT_WORKSPACE_PROVIDER_TYPE string "directory" Configures the storage backend for workspaces in Obot. Can be 's3' or 'directory'
config.OPENAI_API_KEY string "" An OpenAI API Key used to configure access to OpenAI models, which are the default in Obot.
config.WORKSPACE_PROVIDER_AZURE_CONNECTION_STRING string "" The connection string for the Azure Blob Storage container to store workspaces in. Only used if config.OBOT_WORKSPACE_PROVIDER_TYPE is 'azure'
config.WORKSPACE_PROVIDER_AZURE_CONTAINER string "" The name of the Azure Blob Storage container to store workspaces in. Only used if config.OBOT_WORKSPACE_PROVIDER_TYPE is 'azure'
config.WORKSPACE_PROVIDER_S3_BASE_ENDPOINT string "" If config.OBOT_WORKSPACE_PROVIDER_TYPE is 's3' and you are not using AWS S3, this needs to be set to the S3 api endpoint of your provider.
config.WORKSPACE_PROVIDER_S3_BUCKET string "" The name of the S3 bucket to store workspaces in. Only used if config.OBOT_WORKSPACE_PROVIDER_TYPE is 's3'
config.existingSecret string "" The name of an existing secret to use for config instead of creating a new one. Must contain keys in env format, just like below.
extraEnv object {} A map of additional environment variables to set
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Kubernetes image pullPolicy to use for Obot
image.repository string "" The name of the docker repository for Obot. for open-source or for enterprise. Please note that for enterprise you will need to set an imagePullSecret
image.tag string "" The docker tag to pull for obot. If blank, will default to the chart appVersion
imagePullSecrets list [] Configures kubernetes secrets to use for pulling private images
ingress.annotations object {} Configure annotations to add to the ingress object
ingress.className string nil Configures a preexisting ingress class to use.
ingress.enabled bool false Enables ingress creation for Obot.
ingress.extraPaths list [] Define complete path objects, will be inserted before regular paths. Can be useful for things like ALB Ingress Controller actions
ingress.hosts list [] List of hostnames to configure the ingress with
ingress.paths[0].path string "/"
ingress.paths[0].pathType string "Prefix"
ingress.tls list [] List of secrets used to configure TLS for the ingress.
persistence.accessModes list ["ReadWriteOnce"] Persistent Volume access modes
persistence.enabled bool true Enables persistence of workspaces using a PVC when config.OBOT_WORKSPACE_PROVIDER_TYPE is directory
persistence.existingClaim string ""
persistence.path string "/data" The path the volume will be mounted
persistence.size string "8Gi" e Persistent Volume size
persistence.storageClass string "" Persistent Volume storage class If defined, storageClassName: If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is set, choosing the default provisioner
replicaCount int 1 The number of Obot server instances to run
resources object {} Resource requests and limits to use for Obot
service.annotations object {} Extra annotations to add to service object
service.port int 80 Port for the Kubernetes service to expose
service.spec object {} Any extra fields to add to the service object spec
service.type string "ClusterIP" Type of Kubernetes service to create
serviceAccount.annotations object {}
serviceAccount.create bool false string ""
updateStrategy string "RollingUpdate" Configures what update strategy to use for the deployment (Recreate or RollingUpdate)

Updating this repo

This repo will be updated automatically whenever there is a release of Obot (and by extension, the helm chart). The GitHub Actions that control this can be found here.

You can manually update the documentation in this readme using helm-docs. If you have both the charts and obot repos checked out in the same folder, you can use this command:

helm-docs -c ../obot/chart -o '../../charts/' --template-files '../../charts/'

The template for the readme is ./


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