A Python client for interacting with the Obot API.
poetry install
The following won't work until published to PyPI:
pip install obot-python
from obot.sync_client import ObotClient
client = ObotClient(
The chat interface provides a simple way to interact with agents:
# Start a conversation
conv = client.chat("a18pjdh", "Hi there!")
print(conv) # prints the agent's response
# Continue the conversation using the same thread
response = conv.chat("What's 2+2?")
# Stream responses in real-time
for chunk in conv.chat("Tell me a story", stream=True):
print(chunk, end="", flush=True)
For async applications:
from obot.async_client import AsyncObotClient
import asyncio
async def main():
client = AsyncObotClient(
# Start a conversation
conv = await client.chat("a18pjdh", "Hi there!")
print(conv) # prints response
# Continue conversation
response = await conv.achat("What's 2+2?")
# Stream responses
async for chunk in await conv.achat("Tell me a story", stream=True):
print(chunk, end="", flush=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
List all available tools and their categories:
# List all tools
all_tools = client.tools()
# List all tool categories
categories = client.tools.categories()
# List tools in a specific category
slack_tools = client.tools(category="Slack")
Work with models and model providers:
# List all model providers
providers = client.models.providers()
# List only configured providers
configured_providers = client.models.providers(configured=True)
# List all models
all_models = client.models()
# List active models from a specific provider
active_models = client.models(
Create and manage agents:
# List all agents
all_agents = client.agents()
# Get a specific agent
agent = client.agents.get("a1-obot")
# Create a new agent
new_agent = client.agents.create(
name="Test Agent",
description="A test agent",
prompt="You are a helpful assistant",
model="grok-beta", # Will be converted to model ID
tools=["google-search-bundle", "slack-send-message"] # Tool IDs
# Update specific fields of an agent
updated_agent = client.agents.update(
name="New Name", # Only updates the name
tools=["google-search-bundle"] # Only updates the tools
- When creating or updating agents, model names are automatically converted to model IDs
- Tool IDs are validated to ensure they exist
- Updates only modify the specified fields, preserving other settings
- Chat responses can be streamed in real-time
- Both synchronous and asynchronous clients are supported
- Conversations maintain thread context automatically
- Workflows API
- Credentials API
- Webhooks API
- Error handling documentation
- Rate limiting
- Pagination support
- OAuth support
- CLI tool
- Type hints documentation
- More examples and use cases
- Unit tests
- Integration tests
To contribute to this project:
- Clone the repository
- Install Poetry (if you haven't already):
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
- Install dependencies:
poetry install
You can also activate the virtual environment directly:
poetry shell