This project is created to alow a stand-alone import of my tester instead of only distributing it through my push_swap project.
You can change the settigns in config.env for optimized testing. The options are:
PS_LOCATION : Which needs to point to your push swap folder without the "/" at the end.
CHECKER : Can be set when you want to use a different tester than the default mac_tester provided by 42.
LOGFILE : File / location to safe log on failure.
ROUNDS : Amount of roudns done for benchmarking (option -b) when the -a flag is not set.
./ [-ptrib] [-a ] [-c <amount-of-args>]
The following options are available:
-p : Pipeline (exit 1 on KO)
-t : Timed (10.000 args)
-r : Random tests (completely made up, feel free to extend tehm for yourself!).
-i : Input tests (very limited, also feel free to extend for yourself!).
-b : Benchmarking (amount of operations).
-a : Overwrite the amount of rounds in the config file for benchmarking.
-c X : Check X amount of arguments.
When no options are selected you receive the complimentary full test I use on evaluations.
- Pipeline (option -p) turned on and KO received.
- Invalid option.
A fellow student once told me he could sort 500 numbers by hand, it is peanuts to sort such low numbers! To make the project more interesting he came up with a challenge. Sort 10.000 arguments, randomly created. The challenge has only two goals, both equally important:
- You must keep the total number of operations low.
- Your program should run as quickly as possible!
With these two objectives in mind I made a special check in this tester (options -bt). Below are my scores, if you can beat me on both let me know on slack!