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Add Tyxml backend for all element types
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shonfeder committed Jul 6, 2020
1 parent e32a329 commit a36223b
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Showing 4 changed files with 119 additions and 85 deletions.
130 changes: 70 additions & 60 deletions omd_tyxml/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
open Tyxml

let of_code c = Html.[code ~a:[] [txt c]]
let of_code attrs c = Html.[code ~a:attrs [txt c]]

let of_attribute (attr, value) =
Html.Unsafe.string_attrib attr value
Expand All @@ -10,27 +10,14 @@ let of_attributes attrs =

exception Invalid_markdown of string

module Attrs = struct
let of_link_def : 'a Omd.link_def -> [< Html_types.a_attrib] Html.attrib list =
fun l ->
let href = Omd.Internal.escape_uri l.destination |> Html.a_href in
match l.title with
| Some t -> [href; Html.a_title t]
| None -> [href]
(* let link_attribs _ *)
(* let common_attributes : Omd.attributes -> Html_types.common =
* fun ((attr, value) :: _) -> *)
(* raise (Failure "TODO") *)

(* let img_attributes : Omd.attributes -> [< Html_types.img_attrib] list =
* let img_attrib (attr, value) =
* match attr with
* | "alt" -> Html.a_alt value
* | _ -> raise (Failure "TODO img_attrib")
* in
* fun attrs -> img_attrib attrs *)
exception Unsupported_attribute of string

let of_omd_attributes attrs = (fun (a, v) -> Html.Unsafe.string_attrib a v) attrs
(* module Attrs = struct
* end *)

(* TODO move into Omd module *)
let rec inline_to_plaintext : Omd.inline -> string =
fun il ->
match il.il_desc with
Expand All @@ -48,47 +35,39 @@ let rec inline_to_plaintext : Omd.inline -> string =
let rec of_inline ({il_attributes; il_desc} : Omd.inline) =
(* let a = of_attributes il_attributes in *)
(* TODO Attributes *)
let _ = il_attributes in
let attrs = of_omd_attributes il_attributes in
match il_desc with
| Code c -> of_code c
| Code c -> of_code attrs c
| Concat ls -> List.concat_map of_inline ls
| Emph e -> Html.[em ~a:[] (of_inline e)]
| Strong s -> Html.[strong ~a:[] (of_inline s)]
| Hard_break -> Html.[br ~a:[] ()]
(* TODO Add option for verified html ?*)
| Html raw -> Html.Unsafe.[data raw]
| Image img -> [of_img img]
| Link l -> Html.[a ~a:Attrs.(of_link_def l) (of_link_label l.label)]
| Image img -> [of_img attrs img]
| Link l -> [of_link attrs l]
| Soft_break -> Html.[txt "\n"]
| Text t -> Html.[txt t]

and of_link_label ({il_attributes; il_desc} as il : Omd.inline) =
let _attr = il_attributes in
match il_desc with
(* | Code c -> of_code c
* | Text t -> Html.[txt t]
* | Concat l -> List.concat_map of_link_label l
* | Emph e -> Html.[em ~a:[] (of_link_label e)]
* | Strong e -> of_inline e |> Html.Unsafe.coerce_elt
* | Image i -> [Html.Unsafe.coerce_elt (of_img i )] *)
| Code _ | Text _ | Concat _
| Emph _ | Strong _ | Image _ -> Html.Unsafe.coerce_elt (of_inline il)
| _ -> raise (Failure "TODO invalid")
(* | Emph _ -> (??)
* | Strong _ -> (??)
* | Hard_break -> (??)
* | Soft_break -> (??)
* | Link _ -> (??)
* | Image _ -> (??)
* | Html _ -> (??) *)

and of_img (img : Omd.inline Omd.link_def) =
| _ -> raise (Failure "TODO invalid link label")

and of_link attrs (l : =
let escaped_url = Omd.Internal.escape_uri l.destination in
let attrs = (Html.a_href escaped_url :: attrs) @ Option.to_list ( Html.a_title l.title) in
Html.(a ~a:attrs (of_link_label l.label))

and of_img attrs (img : =
let escaped_url = Omd.Internal.escape_uri img.destination in
let attrs = Html.a_title img.title |> Option.to_list in
let attrs = attrs @ ( Html.a_title img.title |> Option.to_list) in
let alt = inline_to_plaintext img.label in
Html.(img ~src:escaped_url ~alt ~a:attrs ())

let of_heading n inline =
let of_heading n attrs content =
let h =
let open Html in
match n with
Expand All @@ -100,37 +79,68 @@ let of_heading n inline =
| 6 -> h6
| m -> raise (Invalid_markdown (Printf.sprintf "heading number %d" m))
h ~a:[] (of_inline inline)
h ~a:(of_omd_attributes attrs) (of_inline content)

let of_link_block (ld : string Omd.link_def) =
Html.(p [a ~a:Attrs.(of_link_def ld) [txt ld.label]])
let of_code_block src attrs content =
let src_attr = match src with
| "" -> []
| _ -> [Html.a_class ["language-" ^ src]]
Html.(pre ~a:attrs [code ~a:src_attr [txt content]])

(* This function is partial because the Omd AST includes nodes which do not
correspond to any HTML element. *)
let of_block : Omd.block -> _ Html.elt option =
let rec of_block : Omd.block -> _ Html.elt =
fun block ->
(* FIXME *)
let attrs = of_omd_attributes block.bl_attributes in
match block.bl_desc with
| Paragraph i -> Some (Html.p (of_inline i))
| List _ -> raise (Failure "TODO of_block list")
| Blockquote _ -> raise (Failure "TODO of_block blockquote")
| Thematic_break -> raise (Failure "TODO of_block Thematic_break")
| Heading (n, i) -> Some (of_heading n i)
| Code_block (_, c) -> Some (Html.(pre [code ~a:[] [txt c]]))
(* Html.pre ~a:[] (of_inline i) *)
| Html_block _ -> raise (Failure "TODO of_block Html_bloc")
| Link_def _ -> None
| Definition_list _ -> raise (Failure "TODO of_block Definition_list")
with (Failure err) ->
Some (Html.(h1 [txt ("Error " ^ err)]))
| Paragraph i -> Html.p (of_inline i)
| List (typ, spacing, items) -> of_list typ spacing items
| Blockquote content -> Html.blockquote ( of_block content)
| Thematic_break -> ()
| Heading (n, content) -> of_heading n block.bl_attributes content
| Code_block (src, c) -> of_code_block src attrs c
| Html_block html -> html
| Definition_list content -> of_definition_list content
with (Failure err) ->
Html.(h1 [txt ("Error " ^ err)])

and of_list typ spacing items =
let of_list_block (bl : Omd.block) =
match bl.bl_desc, spacing with
| Paragraph il, Tight -> of_inline il |> Html.Unsafe.coerce_elt
| _ -> [of_block bl]
let itemize i =
i |> List.concat_map of_list_block |>
let element =
match typ with
| Ordered (start, _) -> Html.ol ~a:(if start <> 1 then [Html.a_start start] else [])
| Bullet _ -> Html.ul ~a:[]
|> itemize
|> element

and of_definition_list defs =
let definiens d =
Html.dd (of_inline d |> Html.Unsafe.coerce_elt)
let def ({term; defs} : Omd.def_elt) =
Html.(dt (of_inline term |> Html.Unsafe.coerce_elt)
:: definiens defs)
Html.dl (List.concat_map def defs)

let of_omd ?(title="") : Omd.doc -> Tyxml.Html.doc =
fun omd ->
let title' = title in
let body' =
List.filter_map of_block omd of_block omd
with (Failure err) ->
Html.[h1 [txt ("Error " ^ err)]]
Expand Down
19 changes: 3 additions & 16 deletions tests/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(name extract_tests)
(libraries str)
(libraries str lambdasoup)
(modules extract_tests))

; Generate and run tests for the core omd package
Expand All @@ -14,26 +14,13 @@


(name omd_tyxml)
(libraries str omd tyxml omd_tyxml)
(modules omd_tyxml))

; Generate and run tests for the optional omd-tyxml package
(with-stdout-to (run ./extract_tests.exe -write-dune-file-omd-tyxml)))


(name omd)
(libraries str omd)
(libraries str omd omd_tyxml tyxml lambdasoup)
(modules omd))

; Generate the rules for diff-based tests
(alias gen)
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -120,9 +120,7 @@ let write_dune_file test_specs tests =
let li_begin_re = Str.regexp_string "<li>\n"
let li_end_re = Str.regexp_string "\n</li>"

let normalize_html s =
Str.global_replace li_end_re "</li>"
(Str.global_replace li_begin_re "<li>" s)
let normalize_html s = Soup.(parse s |> pretty_print)

let generate_test_files tests =
let f {filename; example; markdown; html} =
Expand Down
51 changes: 45 additions & 6 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,54 @@
let li_begin_re = Str.regexp_string "<li>\n"
let li_end_re = Str.regexp_string "\n</li>"
(* let li_begin_re = Str.regexp_string "<li>\n"
* let li_end_re = Str.regexp_string "\n</li>" *)

let normalize_html s =
Str.global_replace li_end_re "</li>"
(Str.global_replace li_begin_re "<li>" s)
(* let normalize_html s =
* Str.global_replace li_end_re "</li>"
* (Str.global_replace li_begin_re "<li>" s) *)

let with_open_in fn f =
let ic = open_in fn in
Fun.protect ~finally:(fun () -> close_in_noerr ic)
(fun () -> f ic)

(* FIXME: Resolve preferred backend *)

(* FIXME: This is getting rediculous. Probably better, imo, to programmatically
format the spec HTML and compare the ASTs of the HTMl instead of doing this
string munging *)

let replacements =
[ Str.regexp_string "<br>", "<br>\n"
(* ; Str.regexp_string ">\n\n</a>", ">\n</a>" *)
(* ; Str.regexp "\n\n$", "\n" *)
(* Str.regexp "\"/>", "\" />"
* ; Str.regexp_string "<br/>", "<br />\n"
* ; Str.regexp_string "<ul>", "<ul>\n"
* ; Str.regexp_string "</li>", "</li>\n"
* ; Str.regexp_string "</p><ul>", "</p>\n<ul>"
* ; Str.regexp_string "</ul><p>", "</ul>\n<p>"
* ; Str.regexp_string "<ol><", "<ol>\n<"
* ; Str.regexp_string "<ul><", "<ul>\n<" *)

let tyxml_elt_to_string t =
Format.asprintf "%a" Tyxml.Html.(pp_elt ~indent:false ()) t

let html_of_omd s =
|> (fun b -> b |> Omd_tyxml.of_block |> tyxml_elt_to_string)
|> String.concat ""

let normalize_html s = Soup.(parse s |> pretty_print)

let denormalize_html str =
List.fold_left (fun s (re, rep) -> Str.global_replace re rep s) str replacements

let () =
with_open_in Sys.argv.(1) @@ fun ic ->
print_string (normalize_html (Omd.to_html (Omd.of_channel ic)))
|> Omd.of_channel
|> html_of_omd
|> normalize_html
|> denormalize_html
|> print_string

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