This is a simple CouchDB external process written in Python that processes the URL http://localhost:5984/_register?username=xxx&passwd=YYY or an POST to the same URL from a HTML form contain fields with the names username and password It applies some simple validation to the username and password. It then creates a new CouchDB user in the standard _users database and creates the user a new database by replicating from a template database. Security is set on the new database so that it can be admin'ed by the admin and read only by the new user
- Ensure Python 2.x is installed and couchdb-python 0.8
- Edit the file and change the admin username and password to those of your couch database
- Create a database called template_db that will be used as a template database for each user. If you call this database something else then edit the appropriate line in
- Create a directory and copy the three python files into it.
- Copy the selfservice.ini file into the directory //etc/couchdb/local.d/
- Edit the selfservice.ini file so that it correctly refers to your python executable and to the location of
- Restart CouchDB
You should now be able to create an account by running the command: curl -v "http://localhost:5984/template_db/_register?username=firstuser&passwd=password"
Don't forget that if you change anything in the python code you'll need to restart the CouchDB server for the change to take effect.
There should be a simple example template database that contains a login form and Register button