- First, you will need to install rvm (Ruby Version Manager) on your system
You can follow these instalation manuals:
- macOS: https://nrogap.medium.com/install-rvm-in-macos-step-by-step-d3b3c236953b
- Windows: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-ruby-and-set-up-a-local-programming-environment-on-windows-10
- Next, install ruby v2.7.2 by running this command:
rvm install 2.7.2
- Then, set it as default:
rvm alias create default 2.7.2
- Download chromedriver and add it to the path manually or by running this command (via Homebrew):
brew install chromedriver
- Install Allure
brew install allure
- Finally, navigate to the root of the project and run
bundle install
to install all the dependencies
To run sample test automation: bundle exec rspec
or for individual specs: rspec spec/name_of_each_spec
To generate and view test results in a single report run allure serve report/allure-results/