CLI Installation
# Download the binary
curl -sLO https://github.com/onepanelio/core/releases/download/v0.19.0/opctl-linux-amd64
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-linux-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
# Download the binary
curl -sLO https://github.com/onepanelio/core/releases/download/v0.19.0/opctl-macos-amd64
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-macos-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-macos-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
Download the attached executable, rename it to "opctl" and move it to a folder that is in your PATH environment variable.
- feat: upgrade argo to 2.12.9 (#837)
- feat: filesyncer sidecar for workflows (#879)
- feat: Update workspace templates (#880)
- feat: Add labels for better policy management (#882)
- feat: added methods to get just the field name for resources (#883)
- feat: updated workflow/workspace fields to allow some related field queries (#884)
- feat: add machine type to workspace listing (#888)
- feat: Workflow local file browser (#263)
- feat: add node pool to workspace listing (#265)
- feat: allow changing machine type when resuming - ui (#266)
- feat: filtering updates (#267)
- feat: add node pool label to workflow tasks (#273)
- feat: added editor.yaml type to display text in a yaml editor (#277)
- feat: add additional error handling for login page (#279)
- feat: create workspace instantly creates UI element. (#280)
- feat: update argo to 2.12.9 (#112)
- fix: incorrectly formatted label for workspaces (#889)
- fix: add error detection when environment variable is too long (#897)
- fix: incorrect use of https for filesyncer url (#264)
- fix: issue with workspace file browser giving wrong path (#268)
- fix: update api to 0.19.0 (#270)
- fix: commit missing files (#271)
- fix: wrong styling selector for nodepool in workspaces (#272)
- fix: nodepool selector was wrong when it was not a parameter (#274)
- fix: remove environment variable length limit (#278)
- docs: Update README.md (#876)
- docs: Update getting-started hyperlinks (#96)
- docs: Minor updates (#97)
- docs: Update SDK and landing page docs (#98)
- docs: Update getting started video links (#99)
- chore: Update README (#886)
- chore: Update README.md (#887)
- chore: Update logo to use svg (#269)
- chore: remove argoExecutorImage from env file as it is no longer used (#118)
Vafilor Vafilor
rushtehrani rushtehrani
inohmonton99 inohmonton99