CLI Installation
# Download the binary
curl -sLO https://github.com/onepanelio/onepanel/releases/download/v1.0.0-rc.2/opctl-linux-amd64
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-linux-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
# Download the binary
curl -sLO https://github.com/onepanelio/onepanel/releases/download/v1.0.0-rc.2/opctl-macos-amd64
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-macos-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-macos-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
Download the attached executable, rename it to "opctl" and move it to a folder that is in your PATH environment variable.
- feat: auth updates (#921)
- feat: check if kfserving is set up (#925)
- feat: added pagination to listing files (#930)
- feat: added migrations to update filesyncer to version 1.0.0 (#933)
- feat: separate files api and support presigned urls (#938)
- feat: add optional logic to capture the entire node (#940)
- feat: add model support (#294)
- feat: link to model details page (#296)
- feat: added support for pagination in file browser (#297)
- feat: add support for pre-signed urls in core-ui (#301)
- feat: add checkbox to allow using full node resources or not for workspaces (#302)
- feat: detect microk8s provider in apply/app status (#99)
- feat: additional validation of parameters to prevent placeholders (#100)
- feat: optional database configuration (#101)
- feat: enable kfserving and code clean up (#102)
- feat: add support to expose minio (#104)
- feat: support kfserving without https (#106)
- feat: upgrade istio to v1.9.1 (#120)
- feat: add kfserving (#124)
- feat: updated manifests to support exposing minio (#125)
- feat: local kfserving (#126)
- feat: clean up remote microk8s (#140)
- fix: use in-cluster url for ONEPANEL_API_URL (#922)
- fix: s3 not listing files in file browser (#934)
- fix: issue where wrong namespace was parsed in certain cases (#936)
- fix: alert with no error message for workflow templates (#295)
- fix: issue where navigation past root was possible for workflows (#299)
- fix: model tab not always loading (#300)
- fix: issue where some clusters took a while to get an external ip (#103)
- fix: kfserving requires cert-manager (#105)
- docs: added stable version for eksctl (#139)
- chore: removed hide option as that is now handled by cli (#122)
Vafilor Vafilor
inohmonton99 inohmonton99