Releases: onepanelio/onepanel
CLI Installation
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-linux-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-macos-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-macos-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
Download the attached executable, rename it to "opctl" and move it to a folder that is in your PATH environment variable.
- feat: Update code to work better with PNS executor (#904)
- feat: Update hyperparam tuning starter template (#275)
- feat: improve file download speeds for filesyncer (#281)
- feat: add default workflow engine runtime executor if one is not present (#98)
- feat: default to pns for workflow engine and hide the configuration (#119)
- feat: Update hyperparameter tuning docs (#105)
- fix: fixes stability issue with pns executor (#892)
- fix: windows sections of contribution guide (#902)
- fix: bug with remove hyperparam tuning migration (#905)
- fix: wrong onepanel/dl version (#906)
- fix: don't use port 80 for host port (#907)
- fix: updated repo in generate release notes as the name has changed (#908)
- chore: Update cvat training starter template (#283)
Vafilor Vafilor
rushtehrani rushtehrani
lnguyen lnguyen
CLI Installation
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-linux-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-macos-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-macos-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
Download the attached executable, rename it to "opctl" and move it to a folder that is in your PATH environment variable.
- feat: Update code to work better with PNS executor (#904)
- feat: Update hyperparam tuning starter template (#275)
- feat: improve file download speeds for filesyncer (#281)
- feat: add default workflow engine runtime executor if one is not present (#98)
- feat: default to pns for workflow engine and hide the configuration (#119)
- feat: Update hyperparameter tuning docs (#105)
- fix: fixes stability issue with pns executor (#892)
- fix: windows sections of contribution guide (#902)
- fix: bug with remove hyperparam tuning migration (#905)
- fix: wrong onepanel/dl version (#906)
- fix: don't use port 80 for host port (#907)
Vafilor Vafilor
rushtehrani rushtehrani
lnguyen lnguyen
CLI Installation
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-linux-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-macos-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-macos-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
Download the attached executable, rename it to "opctl" and move it to a folder that is in your PATH environment variable.
- feat: upgrade argo to 2.12.9 (#837)
- feat: filesyncer sidecar for workflows (#879)
- feat: Update workspace templates (#880)
- feat: Add labels for better policy management (#882)
- feat: added methods to get just the field name for resources (#883)
- feat: updated workflow/workspace fields to allow some related field queries (#884)
- feat: add machine type to workspace listing (#888)
- feat: Workflow local file browser (#263)
- feat: add node pool to workspace listing (#265)
- feat: allow changing machine type when resuming - ui (#266)
- feat: filtering updates (#267)
- feat: add node pool label to workflow tasks (#273)
- feat: added editor.yaml type to display text in a yaml editor (#277)
- feat: add additional error handling for login page (#279)
- feat: create workspace instantly creates UI element. (#280)
- feat: update argo to 2.12.9 (#112)
- fix: incorrectly formatted label for workspaces (#889)
- fix: add error detection when environment variable is too long (#897)
- fix: incorrect use of https for filesyncer url (#264)
- fix: issue with workspace file browser giving wrong path (#268)
- fix: update api to 0.19.0 (#270)
- fix: commit missing files (#271)
- fix: wrong styling selector for nodepool in workspaces (#272)
- fix: nodepool selector was wrong when it was not a parameter (#274)
- fix: remove environment variable length limit (#278)
- docs: Update (#876)
- docs: Update getting-started hyperlinks (#96)
- docs: Minor updates (#97)
- docs: Update SDK and landing page docs (#98)
- docs: Update getting started video links (#99)
- chore: Update README (#886)
- chore: Update (#887)
- chore: Update logo to use svg (#269)
- chore: remove argoExecutorImage from env file as it is no longer used (#118)
Vafilor Vafilor
rushtehrani rushtehrani
inohmonton99 inohmonton99
CLI Installation
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-linux-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-macos-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-macos-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
Download the attached executable, rename it to "opctl" and move it to a folder that is in your PATH environment variable.
- feat: upgrade argo to 2.12.9 (#837)
- feat: filesyncer sidecar for workflows (#879)
- feat: Update workspace templates (#880)
- feat: Add labels for better policy management (#882)
- feat: added methods to get just the field name for resources (#883)
- feat: updated workflow/workspace fields to allow some related field queries (#884)
- feat: add machine type to workspace listing (#888)
- feat: Workflow local file browser (#263)
- feat: add node pool to workspace listing (#265)
- feat: allow changing machine type when resuming - ui (#266)
- feat: filtering updates (#267)
- feat: update argo to 2.12.9 (#112)
- fix: incorrectly formatted label for workspaces (#889)
- fix: incorrect use of https for filesyncer url (#264)
- fix: issue with workspace file browser giving wrong path (#268)
- fix: update api to 0.19.0 (#270)
- fix: commit missing files (#271)
- fix: wrong styling selector for nodepool in workspaces (#272)
- docs: Update (#876)
- docs: Update getting-started hyperlinks (#96)
- docs: Minor updates (#97)
- docs: Update SDK and landing page docs (#98)
- docs: Update getting started video links (#99)
Vafilor Vafilor
rushtehrani rushtehrani
inohmonton99 inohmonton99
CLI Installation
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-linux-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-macos-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-macos-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
Download the attached executable, rename it to "opctl" and move it to a folder that is in your PATH environment variable.
- feat: replace parameter namespace values with runtime value (#829)
- feat: change "dev" tag to be "latest" for images (#832)
- feat: update workflow templates to have dynamic node pool label (#845)
- feat: add {{workspace.uid}} to parameters as a replaceable value (#849)
- feat: Add GetWorkspaceContainerLogs (#851)
- feat: Allow default for nodepool option (#855)
- feat: Update all templates for dynamic node labels and new file syncing (#860)
- feat: Workspace FileSyncer updates (#865)
- feat: Add bucket to config response (#869)
- feat: rename dev to "latest" when pushing up master (#241)
- feat: add permissions checks to secrets UI (#243)
- feat: Update starter templates (#244)
- feat: Better hyperparameter turning starter template (#245)
- feat: FileSyncer UI (#247)
- feat: added path copying to workflow artifact output viewer (#248)
- feat: Add bucket prefix to file sync (#252)
- feat: use start time from api (#254)
- feat: update file browsing to support different sources and add suppo… (#258)
- feat: add bucket prefix to object path (#260)
- feat: add support for xml files (#262)
- feat: dockerized command to build CLI and fixed issue windows build (#92)
- feat: rename dev to latest (#93)
- feat: update gcs to use minio (#95)
- feat: added gcs minio deployment (#113)
- feat: allow pre-flight requests to containers (#114)
- fix: wrong file for migration rollback (#843)
- fix: workspace uid was name and not uid and namespace was not replaced (#850)
- fix: issue where workflow template version did not ignore archived template (#853)
- fix: Fix Workflow Template comment (#866)
- fix: move db migrations outside of configmap changes (#872)
- fix: db not reconnecting (#873)
- fix: issue where workflow template cloning wasn't working (#242)
- fix: Fix CVAT training template (#246)
- fix: remove leading slash in ui (#251)
- fix: incorrect usage of timestamp from file sync (#256)
- fix: file browser removing file paths in root (#259)
- fix: rename build command --dev flag to --latest (#94)
- fix: added gcs to list of acceptable artifact repository provider types (#96)
- docs: Update annotation + training + custom model docs (#95)
- chore: Use v0.18.0 for FileSyncer (#867)
- chore: Update hyperparameter tuning template (#871)
- chore: removed unused code with file copy (#249)
- chore: Remove leading slash (#250)
- chore: rename start -> timestamp based on API update (#255)
- chore: Update hyperparameter tuning template (#257)
- chore: Update CVAT training starter template (#261)
- chore: Do not inject istio-proxy into MinIO gateway (#115)
Vafilor Vafilor
rushtehrani rushtehrani
CLI Installation
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-linux-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-macos-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-macos-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
Download the attached executable, rename it to "opctl" and move it to a folder that is in your PATH environment variable.
- feat: replace parameter namespace values with runtime value (#829)
- feat: change "dev" tag to be "latest" for images (#832)
- feat: update workflow templates to have dynamic node pool label (#845)
- feat: add {{workspace.uid}} to parameters as a replaceable value (#849)
- feat: Add GetWorkspaceContainerLogs (#851)
- feat: Allow default for nodepool option (#855)
- feat: Update all templates for dynamic node labels and new file syncing (#860)
- feat: Workspace FileSyncer updates (#865)
- feat: Add bucket to config response (#869)
- feat: rename dev to "latest" when pushing up master (#241)
- feat: add permissions checks to secrets UI (#243)
- feat: Update starter templates (#244)
- feat: Better hyperparameter turning starter template (#245)
- feat: FileSyncer UI (#247)
- feat: added path copying to workflow artifact output viewer (#248)
- feat: Add bucket prefix to file sync (#252)
- feat: use start time from api (#254)
- feat: update file browsing to support different sources and add suppo… (#258)
- feat: add bucket prefix to object path (#260)
- feat: dockerized command to build CLI and fixed issue windows build (#92)
- feat: rename dev to latest (#93)
- feat: update gcs to use minio (#95)
- feat: added gcs minio deployment (#113)
- feat: allow pre-flight requests to containers (#114)
- fix: wrong file for migration rollback (#843)
- fix: workspace uid was name and not uid and namespace was not replaced (#850)
- fix: issue where workflow template version did not ignore archived template (#853)
- fix: Fix Workflow Template comment (#866)
- fix: move db migrations outside of configmap changes (#872)
- fix: db not reconnecting (#873)
- fix: issue where workflow template cloning wasn't working (#242)
- fix: Fix CVAT training template (#246)
- fix: remove leading slash in ui (#251)
- fix: incorrect usage of timestamp from file sync (#256)
- fix: file browser removing file paths in root (#259)
- fix: rename build command --dev flag to --latest (#94)
- fix: added gcs to list of acceptable artifact repository provider types (#96)
- chore: Use v0.18.0 for FileSyncer (#867)
- chore: Update hyperparameter tuning template (#871)
- chore: removed unused code with file copy (#249)
- chore: Remove leading slash (#250)
- chore: rename start -> timestamp based on API update (#255)
- chore: Update hyperparameter tuning template (#257)
- chore: Do not inject istio-proxy into MinIO gateway (#115)
Vafilor Vafilor
rushtehrani rushtehrani
CLI Installation
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-linux-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-macos-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-macos-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
Download the attached executable, rename it to "opctl" and move it to a folder that is in your PATH environment variable.
- feat: replace parameter namespace values with runtime value (#829)
- feat: change "dev" tag to be "latest" for images (#832)
- feat: update workflow templates to have dynamic node pool label (#845)
- feat: add {{workspace.uid}} to parameters as a replaceable value (#849)
- feat: Add GetWorkspaceContainerLogs (#851)
- feat: Allow default for nodepool option (#855)
- feat: Update all templates for dynamic node labels and new file syncing (#860)
- feat: Workspace FileSyncer updates (#865)
- feat: Add bucket to config response (#869)
- feat: rename dev to "latest" when pushing up master (#241)
- feat: add permissions checks to secrets UI (#243)
- feat: Update starter templates (#244)
- feat: Better hyperparameter turning starter template (#245)
- feat: FileSyncer UI (#247)
- feat: added path copying to workflow artifact output viewer (#248)
- feat: Add bucket prefix to file sync (#252)
- feat: use start time from api (#254)
- feat: dockerized command to build CLI and fixed issue windows build (#92)
- feat: rename dev to latest (#93)
- feat: update gcs to use minio (#95)
- feat: added gcs minio deployment (#113)
- feat: allow pre-flight requests to containers (#114)
- fix: wrong file for migration rollback (#843)
- fix: workspace uid was name and not uid and namespace was not replaced (#850)
- fix: issue where workflow template version did not ignore archived template (#853)
- fix: Fix Workflow Template comment (#866)
- fix: move db migrations outside of configmap changes (#872)
- fix: db not reconnecting (#873)
- fix: issue where workflow template cloning wasn't working (#242)
- fix: Fix CVAT training template (#246)
- fix: remove leading slash in ui (#251)
- fix: incorrect usage of timestamp from file sync (#256)
- fix: rename build command --dev flag to --latest (#94)
- fix: added gcs to list of acceptable artifact repository provider types (#96)
- chore: Use v0.18.0 for FileSyncer (#867)
- chore: Update hyperparameter tuning template (#871)
- chore: removed unused code with file copy (#249)
- chore: Remove leading slash (#250)
- chore: rename start -> timestamp based on API update (#255)
- chore: Update hyperparameter tuning template (#257)
- chore: Do not inject istio-proxy into MinIO gateway (#115)
Vafilor Vafilor
rushtehrani rushtehrani
CLI Installation
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-linux-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-macos-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-macos-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
Download the attached executable, rename it to "opctl" and move it to a folder that is in your PATH environment variable.
- feat: replace parameter namespace values with runtime value (#829)
- feat: change "dev" tag to be "latest" for images (#832)
- feat: update workflow templates to have dynamic node pool label (#845)
- feat: add {{workspace.uid}} to parameters as a replaceable value (#849)
- feat: Add GetWorkspaceContainerLogs (#851)
- feat: Allow default for nodepool option (#855)
- feat: Update all templates for dynamic node labels and new file syncing (#860)
- feat: Workspace FileSyncer updates (#865)
- feat: Add bucket to config response (#869)
- feat: rename dev to "latest" when pushing up master (#241)
- feat: add permissions checks to secrets UI (#243)
- feat: Update starter templates (#244)
- feat: Better hyperparameter turning starter template (#245)
- feat: FileSyncer UI (#247)
- feat: added path copying to workflow artifact output viewer (#248)
- feat: Add bucket prefix to file sync (#252)
- feat: use start time from api (#254)
- feat: dockerized command to build CLI and fixed issue windows build (#92)
- feat: rename dev to latest (#93)
- feat: update gcs to use minio (#95)
- feat: added gcs minio deployment (#113)
- feat: allow pre-flight requests to containers (#114)
- fix: wrong file for migration rollback (#843)
- fix: workspace uid was name and not uid and namespace was not replaced (#850)
- fix: issue where workflow template version did not ignore archived template (#853)
- fix: Fix Workflow Template comment (#866)
- fix: move db migrations outside of configmap changes (#872)
- fix: issue where workflow template cloning wasn't working (#242)
- fix: Fix CVAT training template (#246)
- fix: remove leading slash in ui (#251)
- fix: incorrect usage of timestamp from file sync (#256)
- fix: rename build command --dev flag to --latest (#94)
- fix: added gcs to list of acceptable artifact repository provider types (#96)
- chore: Use v0.18.0 for FileSyncer (#867)
- chore: Update hyperparameter tuning template (#871)
- chore: removed unused code with file copy (#249)
- chore: Remove leading slash (#250)
- chore: rename start -> timestamp based on API update (#255)
- chore: Update hyperparameter tuning template (#257)
- chore: Do not inject istio-proxy into MinIO gateway (#115)
Vafilor Vafilor
rushtehrani rushtehrani
CLI Installation
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-linux-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-macos-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-macos-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
Download the attached executable, rename it to "opctl" and move it to a folder that is in your PATH environment variable.
- feat: Add Hyperparameter tuning Workflow Template (#786)
- feat: upgrade grpc (#801)
- feat: Add node pool parameter (#802)
- feat: Add select.nodepool parameter type (#809)
- feat: improve error message for not found milestones (#813)
- feat: make api command use docker by default. (#815)
- feat: Adding support for ImagePullSecrets in workspaces and workflows (#822)
- feat: Update CVAT and FileSyncer images (#824)
- feat: add parameters to workflow template versions response (#830)
- feat: update api (#223)
- feat: display "no metrics" when there are none (#228)
- feat: add new parameter select.nodepool (#229)
- feat: Dashboard and Workspace permission updates (#230)
- feat: added support to provide parameters for workflow reruns (#239)
- feat: cli delete command (#87)
- feat: Add azure blob storage support (#91)
- feat: added support for azure blob storage (#110)
- feat: added select.nodepool documentation (#91)
- fix: closing web sockets (#799)
- fix: Resolves intermittent errors in Workflows with Sidecars (#808)
- fix: select.nodepool validation (#810)
- fix: Path to hyperparameter-tuning migration (#811)
- fix: Use correct label for hyperparameter tuning Workflow (#812)
- fix: workflow execution logs showing timestamps incorrectly (#814)
- fix: issues with finished logs (#818)
- fix: issue where logs would sometimes crash (#820)
- fix: Remove used-by: cvat from tf training workflow (#823)
- fix: Rename => in TFOD workflow template (#826)
- fix: issue where back link sometimes didn't work in workflows (#222)
- fix: align workflow execution columns so metrics are flush top (#224)
- fix: issue where back navigation didn't work correctly with query parameters (#225)
- fix: issue where json or yaml text was not rendered (#226)
- fix: updated fields to use reactive forms data communication (#231)
- fix: missing error messages from workspace templates (#232)
- fix: wrong nodepool manifest value used (#233)
- fix: issue where form was not cleared when switching workflow template. (#234)
- fix: issue where text area no longer had a value. (#235)
- fix: workflow execution logs not showing timestamps correctly in ui (#236)
- fix: incorrect permissions requested for workflow create (#237)
- fix: issue where no timestamp created an extra space in logs (#238)
- fix: Namespace reserved word validation (#90)
- fix: Bypass istio proxy on outbound calls in core (#108)
- docs: Update note about AKS node label (#109)
- chore: Remove archive from templates (#821)
- chore: Do not inject istio-proxy into MinIO gateway (#111)
Vafilor Vafilor
rushtehrani rushtehrani
aleksandrmelnikov aleksandrmelnikov
CLI Installation
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-linux-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-macos-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-macos-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
Download the attached executable, rename it to "opctl" and move it to a folder that is in your PATH environment variable.
- feat: Add Hyperparameter tuning Workflow Template (#786)
- feat: upgrade grpc (#801)
- feat: Add node pool parameter (#802)
- feat: Add select.nodepool parameter type (#809)
- feat: improve error message for not found milestones (#813)
- feat: make api command use docker by default. (#815)
- feat: Adding support for ImagePullSecrets in workspaces and workflows (#822)
- feat: Update CVAT and FileSyncer images (#824)
- feat: update api (#223)
- feat: display "no metrics" when there are none (#228)
- feat: add new parameter select.nodepool (#229)
- feat: Dashboard and Workspace permission updates (#230)
- feat: cli delete command (#87)
- feat: Add azure blob storage support (#91)
- feat: added support for azure blob storage (#110)
- feat: added select.nodepool documentation (#91)
- fix: closing web sockets (#799)
- fix: Resolves intermittent errors in Workflows with Sidecars (#808)
- fix: select.nodepool validation (#810)
- fix: Path to hyperparameter-tuning migration (#811)
- fix: Use correct label for hyperparameter tuning Workflow (#812)
- fix: workflow execution logs showing timestamps incorrectly (#814)
- fix: issues with finished logs (#818)
- fix: issue where logs would sometimes crash (#820)
- fix: Remove used-by: cvat from tf training workflow (#823)
- fix: issue where back link sometimes didn't work in workflows (#222)
- fix: align workflow execution columns so metrics are flush top (#224)
- fix: issue where back navigation didn't work correctly with query parameters (#225)
- fix: issue where json or yaml text was not rendered (#226)
- fix: updated fields to use reactive forms data communication (#231)
- fix: missing error messages from workspace templates (#232)
- fix: wrong nodepool manifest value used (#233)
- fix: issue where form was not cleared when switching workflow template. (#234)
- fix: issue where text area no longer had a value. (#235)
- fix: workflow execution logs not showing timestamps correctly in ui (#236)
- fix: Namespace reserved word validation (#90)
- fix: Bypass istio proxy on outbound calls in core (#108)
- docs: Update note about AKS node label (#109)
- chore: Remove archive from templates (#821)
Vafilor Vafilor
rushtehrani rushtehrani
aleksandrmelnikov aleksandrmelnikov