A weather forecast web app to get the weather forecast of your nearby location with ease.
- check out the weather forecast website - https://weather-app-nerdynerd.netlify.app/
- semantic HTML5
- CSS3
- JavaScript fetch API
- OpenWeatherMap API
You might notice my OpenWeatherMap API token key is exposed in the JavaScript code. As a security concern, this might not be recommended. Actually, this is a demo project and that token key being exposed doesn't really matter as this isn't an official build.
- Integration of live weather forecast changes update: I'm planning to see if I might add live updates feature, so that when you search a location's weather forecast, any changes to the weather forecast from the server-side would be updated automatically.
- LinkedIn - @onyedikachi23
- Frontend Mentor - @OnyedikachiOzoani
All thanks to OpenWeatherMap.org for offering a free version of their weather forecast API.
Thanks for checking out my project