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Tools criteria (Template)
What is the aim of the tool and which activities it support ?
Which functionalities are provided by the tool ?
- edition (precise text, model, code )
- design
- formal modelling
- code generation
- formal verification (precise)
- simulation / animation
- test generation
- test execution
- others (precise)
In which tool class is the tool included ? (see EN50128 § 3.1.42, 3.1.43, 3.1.44 for definition of T1, T2 and T3)
What are the criteria covered by the tool when it is involved in the OpenETCS process (see EN50128 § ?
How is the use of the tool justified in the OpenETCS process ?
How is the tool documented (specification, user manual,...) ?
Which mechanisms are developed to give the evidence that the output of the tool is conform to the expected output (see EN50128 § ?
Is a configuration management defined for the tool development ? How ? (see EN50128 §
How are the versions of the tools traced and justified ? (see EN50128 §
In conclusion is the following requirement covered ?
R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-35 The tool chain shall conform to 50128 requirements, for the corresponding SIL and tool class.
- R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-35.1 For T2 and T3 tools 4, the choice of tools shall be justified, and the justification shall include how the tool’s failures are covered, avoided or taken into account (ref. to EN 50128 §
- R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-35.2 All T2 and T3 tools must be provided with their user manuals.
R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-35.3 For all T3 tools, the proof of correctness or the measure taken to guarantee the correctness of the output w.r.t. their specification and the inputs shall be provided.
- R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-35.3.1 . . . for data transformation,
- R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-35.3.2 . . . for software transformation (e.g., translation, compilation ... ).
How is the tool validated (see EN50128 § and ?
How is the tool implemented (see EN50128 §,, ?
Under which licence is the tool developed ?
Are the following requirements covered ?
R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-30 The tool chain shall be composed only of Open Source components.
R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-30.1 Closed source components may be used, but only if their use is not mandatory in the process, or if an open source counterpart is provided.
Does the tool allow for automatic generation of textual documents from models ? How ?
Does the tool allow for automatic link generation between glossary and models ? How ?
How are verifications traced ?
If the tool is dedicated to verification activities, which activities of the process are covered ?
: {{TODO | To complete with WP4 partners }}
Does the tools allow for validation activities ? How ?
Does the tool cover the following requirements :
R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-36 The tool chain shall allow to write and store test cases and use cases for the model.
- R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-36.1 Version management will allow to map test cases version to model versions.
R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-37 The tool chain shall allow to generate test cases for the model.
Does the tool allow simulation ? How ? Is this simulation graphical ?
: {{TODO | To complete with WP4 partners }}
Is the tool sufficiently robust to cover the following requirements ?
R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-31 The tool chain shall be sufficiently robust to allow large software manage- ment.
- R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-31.1 It shall allow modularity at any level (proof, model, software).
- R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-31.2 It shall allow the management of documentation within the same tool.
- R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-31.3 It shall allow distributed software development.
- R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-31.4 It shall include an issue-tracking system, in order to allow change management and errors/bugs management.
- R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-31.5 It shall allow to document/track the differences between the model and the ERTMS reference.
- R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-31.6 It shall allow concurrent version development, or be compatible with tools allowing concurrent version development.
- R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-31.7 In particular, it shall be made easy to track the differences between two releases of a model and to manage conflicts.
- R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-31.8 In particular it shall allow to track the roles and responsibilities of each participant on a configuration item, at each step of the project lifecycle.
- R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-31.9 In particular, version management shall allow to track version of the safety properties together with the model.
How is the tool documented ?
How is the tool supported ?
How is the maintenance of the tool managed ?
How is the traceability managed ? How are the following criteria covered ?
R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-32 The tool chain shall allow traceability between the documentation (in particular the specification) and the models and safety properties.
R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-33 The tool chain shall allow traceability between the different layers of model and safety properties.
How are the inputs and outputs of the tool (raw text, xml,...) stored ?
Is the tool compatible with well used platform like Eclipse ? In particular are EMF models defined for the I/O of the tool ?
How can the following requirement be covered ?
R-WP2/D2.3.0-X-34 The tools used in the tool chain shall be able to cooperate, i.e., the outputs of one tool will be suitable to be used as the inputs of the other tool.
To which Operating Systems is the tool compatible ?
Is the tool compatible to existing configuration management systems ?
Does the tool provide facilities for multi-user development ?
For all the following items, there are criteria which are non-mandatory for safe development but are useful in practice. However it is not clear if these criteria concern tools or platform or both :
- Visualisation for good usability
- Good performance on standard systems
Tool availability
- Tool or methodology supported by an international or industry standard
- Tool provided by several suppliers or not