(for Chicago Complete Streets)
To get set up, run:
git clone [email protected]:openplans/shareabouts-editor-chibikes.git
cd shareabouts-editor-chibikes
npm install
bower install
Make sure that the dataset allows access from the domain you want to run this app from (e.g. openplans.github.io). The origin does not need to have any explicit permissions on the dataset. Remove permissions from the origin, as the user will be used determine authorization.
To run the server locally:
grunt serve
To deploy this repository to gh-pages, run the following commands within a clean repository (any files that are modified and not checked in will find their way into the distribution if your repository is not clean):
bower install
grunt build
git add --all dist
git commit -m "Update the distribution files"
git push
git subtree push --prefix dist origin gh-pages
(Subtree instructions from https://gist.github.com/cobyism/4730490)
If you're missing subtree, install it.
This application has been tested in IE 10, Chrome 34, and Firefox 30. It should work in new versions of each as well.