A skill for opsdroid that uses the NLTK module to play with words.
NLTK module + NLTK data
To download NLTK data you can type in the command line the following:
python -m nltk.downloader all
Read more on the official NLTK site.
Opsdroid will help you in scrabble. Just type your unused letters followed by one board letter and opsdroid will give you words that you can use.
user: help scrabble: igetadl e
opsdroid: Please give me a second, I'm thinking...
opsdroid: Hmm... How about: ['gaited', 'aiglet', 'detail', 'taigle', 'ligate']
Opsdroid will choose words that are at least 4 letters long. If no combination is possible Opsdroid will let you know.
user: help scrabble: aeiouff f
opsdroid: Please give me a second, I'm thinking...
opsdroid: Sorry, I can't help you with these letters, you better replace some.
Opsdroid will give you the meaning of a word and how you can use it in a sentence.
user: define: car
opsdroid: Definition of the word 'car': a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine Synonyms: ['car', 'auto', 'automobile', 'machine', 'motorcar'] You can use this word like such: ['he needs a car to get to work']
Opsdroid will translate a word from a language into another language.
user: translate: dog from: english to: portuguese
opsdroid: The english word 'dog' in portuguese is: cão, cachorro