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68 repositories
- DiMSUM: Diffusion Mamba - A Scalable and Unified Spatial-Frequency Method for Image Generation (NeurIPS 2024)
Public- Official code for ECCV 2024 paper “A high-quality robust diffusion framework for corrupted dataset”
- Householder Pseudo-Rotation: A Novel Approach to Activation Editing in LLMs with Direction-Magnitude Perspective (EMNLP 2024)
- Official PyTorch implementation of the paper: Flow Matching in Latent Space
- Anti-DreamBooth: Protecting users from personalized text-to-image synthesis (ICCV 2023)
- Efficient Scale-Invariant Generator with Column-Row Entangled Pixel Synthesis (CVPR 2023)
- Blur Conversion for Unsupervised Image Deblurring (CVPR'24)
- PhoNLP: A BERT-based multi-task learning model for part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition and dependency parsing (NAACL 2021)
PublicDiverseDream: A Technique to Generate Diverse 3D Objects from the Same Text Prompt (ECCV '24)PhoWhisper
Public- PhoGPT: Generative Pre-training for Vietnamese (2023)
- Exploring Image Deblurring via Blur Kernel Space (CVPR'21)
Public💄 Lipstick ain't enough: Beyond Color-Matching for In-the-Wild Makeup Transfer (CVPR 2021)LeMul
PublicToward Realistic Single-View 3D Object Reconstruction with Unsupervised Learning from Multiple Images (ICCV 2021)3D-UCaps
Public3D-UCaps: 3D Capsules Unet for Volumetric Image Segmentation (MICCAI 2021)PointSWD
PublicPoint-Unet: A Context-aware Point-based Neural Network for Volumetric Segmentation (MICCAI 2021)iFS-RCNN
PublicHyperInverter: Improving StyleGAN Inversion via Hypernetwork (CVPR 2022)- Robust Bayesian Recourse: a robust model-agnostic algorithmic recourse method (UAI'22)
PublicTISE: Bag of Metrics for Text-to-Image Synthesis Evaluation (ECCV 2022)fsvc-ata
PublicInductive and Transductive Few-Shot Video Classification via Appearance and Temporal Alignments (ECCV 2022)- Geodesic-Former: a Geodesic-Guided Few-shot 3D Point Cloud Instance Segmenter (ECCV 2022)
PublicFew-shot Object Counting and Detection (ECCV 2022)PSENet-Image-Enhancement
PublicPSENet: Progressive Self-Enhancement Network for Unsupervised Extreme-Light Image Enhancement (WACV 2023)ISBNet
PublicISBNet: a 3D Point Cloud Instance Segmentation Network with Instance-aware Sampling and Box-aware Dynamic Convolution (CVPR 2023)GaPro
PublicGaPro: Box-Supervised 3D Point Cloud Instance Segmentation Using Gaussian Processes as Pseudo Labelers (ICCV 2023)Open3DIS
PublicOpen3DIS: Open-vocabulary 3D Instance Segmentation with 2D Mask Guidance (CVPR 2024)