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Releases: oschwengers/bakta

v1.9 - Here's my region of interest

27 Nov 16:59
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This is the ninth minor release (v1.9) introducing user-provided feature regions and various minor improvements.

Compatible database scheme version: 5

New features

  • Support a priori user-provided feature regions via --regions either in Genbank or GFF3 format (currently, only CDS features are supported). CDS coordinates are imported, supersede de novo predicted CDS, and are subject to the regular internal annotation workflow. To provide functional annotation, as well use --proteins: #216 #245 #247 #250 #259 (Thanks @marade @PengfanZhang @simone-pignotti @thorellk)



  • Fix PyPI CD: #231
  • Add missing --force parameter to Docker wrapper script: f39434e
  • Fix wrong runtime report: #243

Full Changelog: v1.8.2...v1.9.0


24 Aug 15:03
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This is the second v1.8 patch release (v1.8.2).


  • Replacd HMMER by PyHMMER: 3415e89 (Thanks @jhahnfeld)
  • Refactored & improved CI scripts
  • Refactored the code
  • Tweaked code to expand required BioPython versions: 6a88c4b (Thanks @alexweisberg)
  • Deactivated --force parameter for the current working directory`: a039bec
  • Added Pyrodigal to dependency checks: 17bcfc9

Bug Fixes:


01 Jun 09:02
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This is the first v1.8 patch release (v1.8.1) catching up an overlooked PR.


  • Added all valid expert system hits to the final dbxrefs and JSON results: #198 #199 (Thanks @davidtong28)

#199 introduced a breaking change in the JSON data structure of the feature->expert section. expert was changed from a dictionary (expert system -> hit) to a flat list of expert hits now having a new type field.

v1.8 - May the --force (parameter) be with you

30 May 14:57
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This is the eighth minor release (v1.8) introducing a new output option and various minor improvements.

Compatible database scheme version: 5


  • Introduced a new --force option explicitly allowing to overwrite existing data: #200 (Thanks @Dx-wmc)
  • Increased sensitivity of protein sequence expert system: #197 (Thanks @davidtong28)
  • Improved compatibility of FNA output with NCBI Bankit Submission: #201 (Thanks @menickname)
  • Improved --plasmid parameter functionality: #201 426bfd3
  • Introduced output of bakta_proteins full annotation results as JSON: #204 (Thanks @Rridley7)
  • Refactored QC and description of imported genome sequences: af835b4


  • Fixed rare occasions of wrong 5' / 3' ("prime") characters in product descriptions: #215 (Thanks @axbazin)

v1.7 - Lightweight database & harmonized gene symbols

24 Feb 15:18
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This is the seventh minor release (v1.7) introducing a lightweight database version, various gene symbol improvements, and a metagenome mode.

Compatible database scheme version: 5

New features:

  • Introduced a lightweight database version: #196 (Thanks @tseemann))
  • Introduced an operon gene symbol harmonization feature: #190
  • Introduced a simple metagenome mode: #191
  • Added IS transposase to protein expert system: #10


  • Improved CDS gene symbols: #186
  • Amended tRNA & rRNA gene symbols: #192
  • Amended uppercase ncRNA gene symbols: #194
  • Added model IDs and dbxrefs to expert annotation systems: #183 (Thanks @davidtong28)
  • Updated to Pyrodigal v2.1.0 fixing a bug in the SD motif-detection on reverse contig edges: 599fe70


  • Fixed system-wide db path stored in software volume: #177 (Thanks @standage)


06 Dec 09:30
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This is the first v1.6 patch release (v1.6.1) fixing 2 bugs.


  • Deactivated Circos' max contig limit: 0962df7

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed P(y)rodigal meta mode for short sequences and provided training files: #175 (Thanks @pimarin)
  • Fixed an unbound variable in bakta_plot: #174 (Thanks @Rridley7)

v1.6 - Draw me a genome, using P(y)rodigal

24 Nov 13:48
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This is the sixth minor release (v1.6) introducing the creation of circular genome/plasmid plots and fixing false de novo gene predictions by Prodigal.

Compatible database scheme version: 4

New features:

  • Creation of circular genome/plasmid plots using Circos: #163 #166



  • Fix issues with IUPAC ambiguity codes on tRNA prediction using tRNAscan-SE: #150


20 Sep 12:58
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This is the first v1.5 patch release (v1.5.1) fixing a crucial bug causing Diamond runtime errors during the pseudogene detection step. A patch upgrade is highly recommended!


  • Added a --debug option in order to keep temporary files for debugging purposes: #137 #141 (Thanks @EricDeveaud)
  • Bakta now obeys the number of available CPUs instead of mere CPU counts on Linux: #135 #139 (Thanks @EricDeveaud)
  • The Docker image now allows the direct execution of Bakta via Singularity's exec mode in Nextflow: #138 #144 (Thanks @rujinlong & @lukasjelonek)

Bug fixes:

v1.5 - Pseudogenes, they're coming...

30 Aug 15:52
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This is the fifth minor release (v1.5) introducing the detection of pseudogenes and KEGG Kofams, along with several improvements.

Compatible database scheme version: 4

New features:

  • detection of CDS pseudogenes: #4 (Thanks @jhahnfeld)
  • pre-annotation of PSCs with KEGG's Kofams also massively increasing the number of available E.C. numbers: #9



09 Jun 09:47
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This is the second v1.4 patch release (v1.4.2) fixing wrong EC annotations in compliant mode.


Bug fixes:

  • fixed EC_number annotation in compliant mode: 2960e6b