This document describes the key principles of the Multi-Agent Ant-Colony Optimization (ACO) for Multi-Agent Pathfindfing (MAPF).
The ACOMultiAgentPathfinder is a solver for the Multi-Agent Pathfinding Problem (MAPF) using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO). The key idea is to evolve the trajectories of multiple agents simultaneously, where each agent is repelled by the pheromones of other agents to avoid collisions. The algorithm searches a time-expanded graph G_t and uses the true distance in the original graph G (found by A*) as a heuristic.
In the Graph
Original Graph
$G$ : Represents the physical environment where agents move. -
Time-Expanded Graph
$G_t$ : A graph that represents both spatial and temporal dimensions, allowing for conflict-free path planning.
Each agent in the system is represented by the Agent
class with the following key features:
- Unique ID, start position, and goal position
- Pheromone matrix
$\Tau^i$ :$\tau_{u(t),v(t+1)}$ where$(u(t),v(t+1))$ is an edge in$G_t$ - Node-based pheromone matrix for calculating repelling effect of other agents
The policy of an agent is defined by a decision function which selects the next action in
An ant calculates a path, taking a sequence of actions based on a decsion function:
The algorithm uses an epsilon-greedy approach for balancing exploration and exploitation:
- With probability ε, choose a random neighbor (explore)
- With probability 1-ε, choose the best neighbor based on pheromone levels and heuristic information (exploit)
- ε decreases over time, favoring exploitation in later iterations
The exploitation strategy works as follows:
The main ACO process involves the following steps:
- Initialization: Create time-expanded graph and initialize agents with pheromone trails.
- Ant Tours: For each iteration and each ant:
- Generate paths for all agents using epsilon-greedy strategy
- (Check for conflicts between agent paths)
- Pheromone Update: Update pheromone trails based on the best solution found in the iteration
- Inter-Agent Communication: Agents share node-based pheromone information at specified intervals
- Solution Generation: After all iterations, generate a final solution, based on a greedy strategy
The pheromone update works as follows: After calculating a set of paths for a given pheromone matrix, we modify the pheromone values in the following way:
- Evaporation
$\tau_ij = (1 - \rho) \tau_{ij}$ - Dispersion (not implemented yet)
- Deposition of new pheromones based on path quality
Agents periodically share their pheromone information, allowing for indirect communication and conflict avoidance. The model for this communication strategy are island models in cooperative coevolution in Evolutionary Algorithms.
The information that an agent receives during communication are:
- The average values for the pheromone of all other agents: $\sum_{j \neq i} \frac{\Tau^j}{N-1}
- Information on the estimated state occupancy of other agents
Execution is governed by the ACOMultiAgentPathfinder class, which contains information on the environment and makes sure that each agent executes their algorithm and information is communicated between agents.