This is a fork of the excellent bsec_bme680_linux implementation for bsec on linux but adds a simple http POST request to send the data to an influxdb database. Works with the BME680 sensor on Linux (e.g. Raspberry Pi) with the BSEC library.
Working example of fully using the BME680 sensor on Linux (e.g. Raspberry Pi) with the precompiled BSEC library, which allows to read calibrated environment values including an actual Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) score.
It makes use of Bosch's provided driver and can be configured in terms of it. Readings will be directly output to stdout in a loop and sent to a speciefied influxd database.
- Download the BSEC software package from Bosch
and put it into
, then unpack. - libcurl
There are different libcurl dev versions which will work. For example you can do the following:
$ sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev
- influxdb
Optionally make changes to make.config.
Depending on how your sensor is embedded it might be surrounded by other
components giving off heat. Use an offset in °C in bsec_bme680.c
compensate. The default is 5 °C:
#define temp_offset (5.0f)
Set the database you want to use and the name for your measurements:
#define database "db"
#define measurement "meas1"
To compile: ./
Output will be similar to this:
$ ./bsec_bme680
2017-12-27 18:47:21,[IAQ (1)]: 33.96,[T degC]: 19.61,[H %rH]: 46.41,[P hPa]: 983.39,[G Ohms]: 540924.00,[S]: 0
2017-12-27 18:47:24,[IAQ (1)]: 45.88,[T degC]: 19.61,[H %rH]: 46.41,[P hPa]: 983.41,[G Ohms]: 535321.00,[S]: 0
2017-12-27 18:47:26,[IAQ (1)]: 40.65,[T degC]: 19.60,[H %rH]: 46.45,[P hPa]: 983.39,[G Ohms]: 537893.00,[S]: 0
2017-12-27 18:47:29,[IAQ (1)]: 30.97,[T degC]: 19.60,[H %rH]: 46.42,[P hPa]: 983.41,[G Ohms]: 542672.00,[S]: 0
- IAQ (n) - Accuracy of the IAQ score from 0 (low) to 3 (high).
- S: n - Return value of the BSEC library
It can easily be modified in the output_ready
The BSEC library is supposed to create an internal state of calibration with
increasing accuracy over time. Each 10.000 samples it will save the internal
calibration state to ./bsec_iaq.state
(or wherever you specify the config
directory to be) so it can pick up where it was after interruption.
You can Deamonize the script to run in the background. Modify bsec_bme680.service to point to the correct location of the executable.
Move the service file into the systemd directory:
$ sudo mv /home/pi/bsec_bme680_influxdb/bsec_bme680.service /etc/systemd/system/bsec_bme680.service
Reload systemctl:
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Enable and start service:
$ sudo systemctl enable bsec_bme680.service
$ sudo systemctl start bsec_bme680.service
You can find a growing list of tools to further use and visualize the data here.
- integrate influx authentication
- change influx domain and port
- set constants over cli after compilation
Your bsec_iaq.state file might be corrupt or incompatible after an update of the BSEC library. Try (re)moving it.