This .NET library provides an interface to the REST API of Panda, the online video encoding service.
var videoService = new Panda.Services.VideoService("cloudId", "accessKey", "secretKey", "apiHost");
Now you can use this instance to interact with your Panda cloud.
Returns a list of videos associated with the cloudId and accessKey supplied to the VideoService
IList<Panda.Domain.Video> videos = videoService.GetVideos();
Get a video by videoId
Panda.Domain.Video video = videoService.GetVideo("videoId");
Returns a list of all encodings for a particular video
IList<Panda.Domain.VideoEncoding> videoEncodings = videoService.GetVideoEncodings("videoId");
Upload a video using the video URL
Panda.Domain.Video video = videoService.UploadVideo("");
Upload a video supplying the video file content (as a byte array) and file name
Panda.Domain.Video video = videoService.UploadVideo(fileContents, "fileName");
Delete a video by videoId
Get a cloud by cloudId
Panda.Domain.Cloud cloud = videoService.GetCloud("cloudId");
This library has been written by Mark Bonano (Applications Architect, Chazmar Solutions LLC). Thanks to him for the great work. If some functioality are missing, please fork the project!!