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A collection of digital forensics tools for verification, investigations, diagnostics, software, libraries, learning tutorials, frameworks, academic and practical resources in Cybersecurity


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Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity

Welcome to the world of digital forensics in Cybersecurity.

A collection of digital forensics tools for verification, investigations, diagnostics, software, libraries, learning tutorials, frameworks, academic and practical resources in Cybersecurity. Thanks to all contributors, you're awesome and wouldn't be possible without you! Our goal is to build a categorized community-driven collection of very well-known resources.

What is Digital Forensics?

  • Computers are increasingly being used in criminal activity. From fraud to violent crime, computers are often found to play a significant role as a tool for planning and conducting a crime, and may contain relevant evidence pertaining to an offence.


  • Digital forensics is a branch of forensic science that focuses on identifying, acquiring, processing, analysing, and reporting on data stored electronically. Electronic evidence is a component of almost all criminal activities and digital forensics support is crucial for law enforcement investigations.


Table of contents / Содержание

Collections of tools

Satellite and mapping services

Geobased searches

Geobased search on:

Documents metadata

Images, videos and metadata

Image and videos tools

Photo/video metadata (EXIF and e.t.c.)


Social media

Multiple social networks

  • NacheChk. Same name check over dozens of social networks



  • Socilab, allows users to visualise and analyse your own LinkedIn network, 


  • Snap Map, a searchable map of geotagged snaps, via the mobile application, read here how.



Geobased searches

  • On Twitter, insert this is search box: geocode:[coordinates],[radius-km], for example: geocode:36.222285,43.998233,2km

  • Onemilliontweetmap, maps tweets per location up to 6hrs old, and has a keyword search option, 

  • Union Metrics, find the reach of tweets, 

Advanced Search Operators:

  • term1 term2 - tweets with both term1 and term2 in any order (e.g. twitter metrics)
  • term1 OR term2 - tweets with either term1 or term2 (e.g. analytics OR metrics)
  • “term1 term2” - tweets with the phrase “term1 term2” (e.g. "twitter metrics")
  • term1 -term2 - tweets with term1 but not term2 (e.g. twitter -facebook)
  • @username - tweets mentioning or RTing a specific user (e.g. @unionmetrics)
  • from:username - tweets from a specific Twitter user (e.g. from:unionmetrics)
  • since:YYYY-MM-DD - tweets after a specific date in UTC (e.g. since:2017-03-30)
  • until:YYYY-MM-DD - tweets before a specific date in UTC (e.g. until:2017-03-30)






  • France, full interactive map of the French railway system with live positions of trains, plus accuracy of schedule,
  • Germany, full interactive map of current positions of Deutsche Bahn railway network,  
  • Netherlands, full interactive map of the Dutch railway system, including live positions of trains, 


Date and time

Whois, IP lookups, website analysis

People search




  • Check for collaborative fact-checking, 

  • Link to user guide

  • Bellingcat’s Check team

  • Document Redaction, useful for removing potentially harmful content in Pdfs before viewing, like traceback,

  • Geo IP Tool, check your own IP, handy to check if your VPN is working,

  • Google Search Operators, such as searching for a specific filetype (e.g. PDF) or on a specific website, 

  • Insecam, network live IP video cameras directory, 

  • Knight Lab, make an interactive timeline of events, 

  • LittleSis, a database of who-knows-who at the heights of business and government,

  • Lumen, the Lumen database collects and analyses legal complaints and requests for removal of online materials, helping Internet users to know their rights and understand the law. These data enables us to study the prevalence of legal threats and let Internet users see the source of content removals, 

  • Maltego tool,

  • Montage for collaborative working,

  • OpenCorporates, database of companies in the world,         

  • People tracer, 

  • Research sidekick,

  • Visual Investigative Scenarios (VIS), a tool, 

  • Wolfram Alpha, for any question and a computer-generated answer, 

  • Zoopla, Search for property with the UK's leading resource. Browse houses and flats for sale and to rent, and find estate agents in any area, 

Guides and handbooks


  • Open guide called “Itrace” by Conflict Armament Research, lots of information on different kinds of munitions and weapons presented graphically on a map format, 

Data visualization

  •, web tools for beginners that introduce concepts of working with data, 
  • DataWrapper, easy to use chart and mapping tool, 
  • Google Fusion Tables,  
  • Maptia, 
  • Visual investigative scenarios, 
  • RAWGraphs, free webtool to quickly visualize your data,

Online security and privacy

Search engines which protect privacy

  • DuckDuckGo, Internet search engine, protecting privacy,
  • Qwant, Internet search engine, protecting privacy, 

List of sources per country



OSINT guides


  • Opposition media, see this excellent list compiled by Noor Nahas of multimedia sources from Syrian opposition groups,
  • Provinces of the so-called Islamic State,

Web Links

Repository Description
Afflib An extensible open format for the storage of disk images and related forensic information.
Air-Imager A GUI front-end to dd/dc3dd designed for easily creating forensic images.
Auditpol Displays information about and performs functions to manipulate audit policies in Windows
Autopsy The forensic browser. A GUI for the Sleuth Kit.
Bmap-tools Tool for copying largely sparse files using information from a block map file.
BleachBit System cleaner for Windows and Linux
Bulk-extractor Bulk Email and URL extraction tool.
BurnEye ELF encryption program.
Canari3 Maltego rapid transform development and execution framework.
captipper Malicious HTTP traffic explorer tool.
Casefile The little brother to Maltego without transforms, but combines graph and link analysis to examine links between manually added data to mind map your information
ChainSaw ChainSaw automates the process of shredding log files and bash history from a system. It is a tool that cleans up the bloody mess you left behind when you went for a stroll behind enemy lines
Chaosmap An information gathering tool and dns / whois / web server scanner
chntpw Offline NT Password Editor - reset passwords in a Windows NT SAM user database file
Chromefreak A Cross-Platform Forensic Framework for Google Chrome
Clear-EventLog Powershell Command. Clears all entries from specified event logs on the local or remote computers.
DBAN Darik's Boot and Nuke ("DBAN") is a self-contained boot image that securely wipes the hard disks of most computers. DBAN is appropriate for bulk or emergency data destruction.
Dc3dd A patched version of dd that includes a number of features useful for computer forensics.
Dcfldd DCFL (DoD Computer Forensics Lab) dd replacement with hashing
ddrescue GNU data recovery tool
Disitool Tool to work with Windows executables digital signatures.
Dmg2img A CLI tool to uncompress Apple's compressed DMG files to the HFS+ IMG format
Dumpzilla A forensic tool for firefox.
ELFcrypt ELF crypter.
Emldump Analyze MIME files.
Evtkit Fix acquired .evt - Windows Event Log files (Forensics).
Exiftool Reader and rewriter of EXIF informations that supports raw files
Exiv2 Exif, Iptc and XMP metadata manipulation library and tools
Extundelete Utility for recovering deleted files from ext2, ext3 or ext4 partitions by parsing the journal
Foremost A console program to recover files based on their headers, footers, and internal data structures
FreeOTFE A free "on-the-fly" transparent disk encryption program for PC & PDAs
Fridump A universal memory dumper using Frida.
Galleta Examine the contents of the IE's cookie files for forensic purposes
Grokevt A collection of scripts built for reading Windows® NT/2K/XP/2K eventlog files.
Guymager A forensic imager for media acquisition.
Harness Execute ELFs in memory.
Hdpram get/set hard disk parameters
HiddenVM Use any desktop OS without leaving a trace.
Imagemounter Command line utility and Python package to ease the (un)mounting of forensic disk images.
Indxparse A Tool suite for inspecting NTFS artifacts.
Interrogate A proof-of-concept tool for identification of cryptographic keys in binary material (regardless of target operating system), first and foremost for memory dump analysis and forensic usage.
IOSforensic iOS forensic tool
IPBA2 IOS Backup Analyzer
Iphoneanalyzer Allows you to forensically examine or recover date from in iOS device.
Kaiser File-less persistence, attacks and anti-forensic capabilities (Windows 7 32-bit).
lazagne An open source application used to retrieve lots of passwords stored on a local computer.
Lfle Recover event log entries from an image by heurisitically looking for record structures.
LiMEaide Remotely dump RAM of a Linux client and create a volatility profile for later analysis on your local host.
LogKiller Clear all your logs in linux/windows servers
MAFIA Metasploit Anti Forensic Tools and techniques for removing forensic evidence from computer systems
MagicRescue Find and recover deleted files on block devices
Malheur A tool for the automatic analyze of malware behavior.
Maltego An open source intelligence and forensics application, enabling to easily gather information about DNS, domains, IP addresses, websites, persons, etc.
MalwareDetect Submits a file's SHA1 sum to VirusTotal to determine whether it is a known piece of malware
MboxGrep A small, non-interactive utility that scans mail folders for messages matching regular expressions. It does matching against basic and extended POSIX regular expressions, and reads and writes a variety of mailbox formats.
MemDump Dumps system memory to stdout, skipping over holes in memory maps.
MemFetch RDumps any userspace process memory without affecting its execution.
Meterpreter > clearev The meterpreter clearev command will clear the Application, System, and Security logs on a Windows system
Midgetpack Midgetpack is a multiplatform secure ELF packer
Mimipenguin A tool to dump the login password from the current linux user.
Mobiusft An open-source forensic framework written in Python/GTK that manages cases and case items, providing an abstract interface for developing extensions.
Mp3nema A tool aimed at analyzing and capturing data that is hidden between frames in an MP3 file or stream, otherwise noted as "out of band" data.
Mxtract Memory Extractor & Analyzer.
Naft Network Appliance Forensic Toolkit.
Networkminer A Network Forensic Analysis Tool for advanced Network Traffic Analysis, sniffer and packet analyzer.
Nfex A tool for extracting files from the network in real-time or post-capture from an offline tcpdump pcap savefile.
Ntdsxtract Active Directory forensic framework.
nTimetools Timestomper and Timestamp checker with nanosecond accuracy for NTFS volumes
NTFS-3G NTFS-3G Safe Read/Write NTFS Driver
Papa Shango Inject code into running processes with ptrace().
Pasco Examines the contents of Internet Explorer's cache files for forensic purposes.
PcapXray Network Forensics Tool - To visualize a Packet Capture offline as a Network Diagram including device identification, highlight important communication and file extraction.
Pdf-parser Parses a PDF document to identify the fundamental elements used in the analyzed file.
Pdfbook-analyzer Utility for facebook memory forensics.
Pdfid Scan a file to look for certain PDF keywords.
PdfResurrect A tool aimed at analyzing PDF documents.
Peepdf A Python tool to explore PDF files in order to find out if the file can be harmful or not.
Permanent-Eraser Secure file erasing utility for macOS
Pev Command line based tool for PE32/PE32+ file analysis.
python-evtx A tool to parse the Windows XML Event Log (EVTX) format.
Recoverjpeg Recover jpegs from damaged devices.
Recuperabit A tool for forensic file system reconstruction.
Reglookup Command line utility for reading and querying Windows NT registries.
Rekall Memory Forensic Framework.
ReplayProxy Forensic tool to replay web-based attacks (and also general HTTP traffic) that were captured in a pcap file.
Rifiuti2 A rewrite of rifiuti, a great tool from Foundstone folks for analyzing Windows Recycle Bin INFO2 file.
Rkhunter Checks machines for the presence of rootkits and other unwanted tools.
SafeCopy A disk data recovery tool to extract data from damaged media.
Saruman ELF anti-forensics exec, for injecting full dynamic executables into process image (With thread injection)
Scalpel An open source data carving tool.
Scrounge-Ntfs Data recovery program for NTFS file systems
SetMace Manipulate timestamps on NTFS
Sherlocked Universal script packer-- transforms any type of script into a protected ELF executable, encrypted with anti-debugging
Shred Overwrite a file to hide its contents, and optionally delete it
Silk-guardian An anti-forensic kill-switch that waits for a change on your usb ports and then wipes your ram, deletes precious files, and turns off your computer.
SkypeFreak A Cross Platform Forensic Framework for Skype.
Sleuthkit RFile system and media management forensic analysis tools.
Srm Srm is a command-line compatible rm which overwrites file contents before unlinking
Stegdetect Automated tool for detecting steganographic content in images.
StegFS A FUSE based steganographic file system
Steghide Steganography program that is able to hide data in various kinds of image- and audio-files
Swap-digger A tool used to automate Linux swap analysis during post-exploitation or forensics.
Tails portable operating system that protects against surveillance and censorship
Tchunt-ng Reveal encrypted files stored on a filesystem.
Tekdefense-automater IP URL and MD5 OSINT Analysis.
TestDisk Checks and undeletes partitions + PhotoRec, signature based recovery tool
Trid An utility designed to identify file types from their binary signatures.
TrueHunter Detect TrueCrypt containers using a fast and memory efficient approach.
Unhide A forensic tool to find processes hidden by rootkits, LKMs or by other techniques.
Usbdeath anti-forensic tool that writes udev rules for known usb devices and do some things at unknown usb device insertion or specific usb device removal
USBKill An anti-forensic kill-switch that waits for a change on your USB ports and then immediately shuts down your computer.
Vinetto A forensics tool to examine Thumbs.db files
Volafox macOS Memory Analysis Toolkit.
Volatility Advanced memory forensics framework
Wevtutil Enables you to retrieve information about event logs and publishers. You can also use this command to install and uninstall event manifests, to run queries, and to export, archive, and clear logs (windows server)
Wipe A Unix tool for secure deletion
Wipedicks Wipe files and drives securely with randoms ASCII dicks
wiper Toolkit to perform secure destruction of sensitive virtual data, temporary files and swap memories.
Xplico Internet Traffic Decoder. Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT).
XsUSBsentinel Windows anti-forensics USB monitoring tool.
Zeroize Zeroize is a rust library enabling to : Securely clear secrets from memory with a simple trait built on stable Rust primitives which guarantee memory is zeroed using an operation will not be ‘optimized away’ by the compiler
ZipDump ZIP dump utility.

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