The Multiple Choice Question API offers the users a set of questions based on a subject and a use (type)
The questions.csv file is the database that keeps all the questions with the following fields:
: the question itselfsubject
: the question subjectcorrect
: the correct answer to the questionuse
: MCQ typeresponseA
: response AresponseB
: response BresponseC
: response CresponseD
: response D (if exists)
- The user must choose a test
as well as one or more testsubject
. - The API should be able to return quizzes with 5, 10 or 20 questions.
- Order of the questions must be random when returned.
- The API must check the identity of users depending on route used.
- It uses a
Basic username:password
authentication process - API must have a route for the API status check
- An admin user (username :
, password:4dm1N
)should be able to add questions to the database - Finally, the API should return errors when it is wrongly used
Following are the registered users
"alice": "wonderland",
"bob": "builder",
"clementine": "mandarine"
The API is made from the following files:
- : the main app with the actual endpoints
- : user database and various modules used in the main app.
- : script with requests made to test the API
- questions.csv : question database
- requirements.txt : list of packages to install for the API to run
Endpoints | Authentication | Description |
GET /mcq | USER | returns a multiple choice question quizz based on subjects (default : BDD ), use (default : Test de positionnement ) and nb (default : 5 ) |
GET /api_status | ADMIN | returns API status |
POST /add_mcq | ADMIN | add new question in the database (questions.csv ) from JSON/Dict Format |
Install the required packages :
pip install -r requirements.txt
Launch the uvicorn server :
uvicorn mcq_api:api --reload
The API is accessible in a browser at
To test the API with the script :
# GET /mcq
response without parameters :
{'detail': [{'loc': ['query', 'subjects'], 'msg': 'value is not a valid list', 'type': 'type_error.list'}]}
response without credentials :
{'detail': 'Not authenticated'}
response with wrong parameter :
{'detail': 'Bad Request : One or more parameter not valid'}
response with all needed :
{'username': 'clementine',
'authorization': 'Basic',
'Number of questions': 5,
'Use': 'Test de positionnement',
'Subjects': ['BDD', 'Systèmes distribués', 'Docker'],
'Questions': {'19': {'question': 'DockerHub est',
'subject': 'Docker',
'use': 'Test de positionnement',
'correct': 'C',
'responseA': 'un système qui permet de lancer plusieurs '
"containers d'un coup",
'responseB': "un système d'orchestration de containers",
'responseC': "un répertoire d'images Docker",
'responseD': None,
'remark': None},
'17': {'question': 'Docker permet de persister des changements',
'subject': 'Docker',
'use': 'Test de positionnement',
'correct': 'C',
'responseA': 'Oui',
'responseB': 'Non',
'responseC': "Oui à condition d'utiliser des volumes",
'responseD': None,
'remark': None},
'0': {'question': 'Que signifie le sigle No-SQL ?',
'subject': 'BDD',
'use': 'Test de positionnement',
'correct': 'A',
'responseA': 'Pas seulement SQL',
'responseB': 'Pas de SQL',
'responseC': 'Pas tout SQL',
'responseD': None,
'remark': None},
'3': {'question': 'OrientDB et Neo4J sont des bases de données',
'subject': 'BDD',
'use': 'Test de positionnement',
'correct': 'D',
'responseA': 'relationnelles',
'responseB': 'orientées objet',
'responseC': 'orientées colonne',
'responseD': 'orientées graphe',
'remark': None},
'18': {'question': 'Des containers Docker peuvent communiquer '
'entre eux grâce à',
'subject': 'Docker',
'use': 'Test de positionnement',
'correct': 'B',
'responseA': 'des volumes',
'responseB': 'des networks',
'responseC': 'des communications ',
'responseD': None,
'remark': None}}}
# POST /add_mcq
response with data missing required fields :
{'detail': [{'loc': ['body', 'correct'],
'msg': 'field required',
'type': 'value_error.missing'},
{'loc': ['body', 'responseA'],
'msg': 'field required',
'type': 'value_error.missing'}]}
response without credentials :
{'detail': 'Not authenticated'}
response with wrong credentials :
{'detail': 'Incorrect username or password'}
response with all needed :
{'username': 'admin',
'authorization': 'Basic',
'Question inserted': True,
'Question': {'question': "Quelle est la couleur du cheval blanc d Henri IV ?",
'subject': 'Classification',
'use': 'Test de positionnement',
'correct': 'B',
'responseA': 'jaune',
'responseB': 'blanc',
'responseC': 'noir',
'responseD': 'la reponse D',
'remark': ''}}
la dernière ligne de questions.csv est maintenant:
Quelle est la couleur du cheval blanc d Henri IV ?,Classification,Test de positionnement,B,jaune,blanc,noir,la reponse D,
# GET /api_status
response with wrong credentials :
{'detail': 'Incorrect username or password'}
response with all needed :
{'status': 'API working'}