I'm a Pre-Final Year CSE undergrad at NIT-Jalandhar.
💼 I'm an Incoming Summer Intern(2021) at
D.E. Shaw and Co India.
🔭 I’m currently working on
Projects that would create real world impact. -
🌱 I’m currently learning
Node JS
andReact JS
. -
💭 I'm a Problem Solver and obsessed with the solving practical problems using technology as a source.
💻 I'm a Competitive Programmer passionate about solving Algorithmic Problems.
- ⚡ My Competitive Profiles : Codeforces- Expert(Blue!) and Codechef- 4⭐(Div. 1) .
📖 Currently Reading How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking
💬 Reach out to me for any help related to
Interview Prepration
orCompetitive Programming
😄 -
📫 How to reach me: Drop a message at LinkedIn or mail at [email protected] I will be more than happy to hear from you😇.