KISS approach to a "Load more" style AJAX paginator
- Django 1.3+
- jQuery
- Non-intrusive: your Django view is completely unaware of dynamic load-more stuff going on.
- There is literally no code (no Python, no Javascript) required to get a fully AJAX style "load more" going.
Write your view as usual, handing over an (unpaginated) list of items to a template.
Render the list of items in your template as follows:
{% load pagemore %} {% more_paginator items per_page=10 ordered_by="-created_at" as paginator %} {% for item in paginator.objects %} {% if forloop.first %} <div class="pagemore-container"> {% endif %} {{item}} {% if forloop.last %} </div> {% if paginator.has_more %} <a class="pagemore-paginator" href="?{{paginator.next_query}}">More items...</a> {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} <script type="text/javascript" src="{{STATIC_URL}}pagemore/js/pagemore.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $(".pagemore-paginator").pagemore(); }); </script>
That's all!
When a user is paginating through a list of items, while at the same time new items are being inserted, offset based slicing would result in duplicate items being shown. A way to circumvent this is to make sure that the items are properly ordered and to filter on items after a certain point. Both strategies are supported.
{% more_paginator ... strategy="slice" ... %}
- Supports both querysets and lists
- Does not order the objects unless explicitly told to (ordered_by).
{% more_paginator ... strategy="filter" ... %}
- Only supports querysets
- Enforces an ordering of the objects passed (default on id, overridable by ordered_by).