Most business in now days employ people to run their business. And this business owner has stocks that are to be sold to target markets, So these employee needs to be paid for the job their are doing. The problem may arise on payments that some employee maybe selling more than the other and some selling less, also the market maybe so poor that may led the business owner to use other budgets to repay his/her employee rather than using the profit from his business due to poor market. So the system aims at managing the amount of stocks availbale with costs for each product and aims at solving the payment issues since the employee will be payyed according to the sells he/she has made and no constant salary. This will be archieved by percentage which means that there is paercentage from total sells per month which will be paid to employee.
- Management
- Employee
- An employee will have a dashboard which shows the product availlaale and the price of those products and he/she will record every sells he/she has made on each product
- Management will be able to do any updations including adding new product in stock, adding employee, removing employee, Also the system will allow the manager to generate a report and can see sells statistics which shows which product are demanded much than the other
- Manageent will be also managing the profiles of the Employee