- CLI for ApiOmat, written in Go
Under construction!
go get ""
aom [flags]
aom [command]
Available Commands:
class Manages the "MetaModel" resource
help Help about any command
version Prints the version of the ApiOmat server
-d, --debug Debug switch. Activate to include stack trace when errors are logged
-h, --help help for aom
-v, --version Print the version of the aom CLI (not of the ApiOmat server - use "aom version" for that
Use "aom [command] --help" for more information about a command.
- Print the version of the ApiOmat server:
$ aom version --baseUrl "" ApiOmat version: {"server":"null:443","version":"2.6.2-107E"}
- List all classes of module "MyModule":
$ aom class ls --module "MyModule" --baseUrl "" --username "john" --password "secret" Classes of module MyModule: [ struct { AllowedRolesCreate: [ ], AllowedRolesGrant: [ ], ... }, ... ]