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- get SRT from shooter.cn or some other sites(eg. subhd.com), unzip and get txt file content;
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- click the bookmark, wait till *slp* loaded, paste srt txt into [SRT!], click [Play] and other controllers to sync timeline, then ENJOY!
SRT sample:
<textarea cols="70" rows="10"> 1 00:00:02,207 --> 00:00:03,806 我也许找到突破口了 I may be on the verge2 00:00:03,875 --> 00:00:06,944 就快发现命运号的使命的真正含义 of discovering the true nature of Destiny's mission.
3 00:00:08,021 --> 00:00:11,824 这么久以来你一直能控制整个飞船的啊? You've had control of this ship the whole time!
4 00:00:11,825 --> 00:00:12,891 为什么你不告诉大家? Why wouldn't you tell anyone?
5 00:00:12,892 --> 00:00:15,928 Lucian联盟正在计划要攻击地球 The Lucian Alliance is planning an attack on Earth.
6 00:00:15,929 --> 00:00:17,362 是我杀了Riley I killed Riley.
7 00:00:17,363 --> 00:00:19,565 我用自己这双手亲手捂死了他 I suffocated him with my own hands.
8 00:00:19,566 --> 00:00:21,600 您是一位很优秀的指挥官 You are a good commander.
9 00:00:21,601 --> 00:00:24,870 没有什么使命比带这些人回家更重要 There is no mission other than getting these people home.
10 00:00:24,871 --> 00:00:26,505 它从不是要带我们回家的 It was never about going home.
11 00:00:26,506 --> 00:00:28,340 而是要带我们驶向命中注定该去的地方 It's about getting us to where we're going.
12 00:00:28,341 --> 00:00:30,576 这就是它的使命 That is the mission.
</textarea>old DEMO page.