Another Rain World level editor. Read this document, which is bundled with every release package, for more information on how to use this software.
Please note that the "main" branch is ahead of the latest release, but is in sync with Nightly. If you want to access the repository at the time of a certain release, use the Git tags system.
- Ease of use
- Undo/redo everything
- Re-envisioned prop editor
- Highly customizable UI
- Asset graphics and palette previews
- Drizzle level rendering with a preview
- Exiting from the light editor does not mess up the screen
- Pressing escape does not crash the program
- .NET Core toolchain
- (optional) OpenGL ES driver or ANGLE libraries in the DLL search path.
- (optional) Python 3
- (optional) glslang CLI
Clone with Git:
git clone --recursive
cd rained
Compile Drizzle
cd src/Drizzle
dotnet run --project Drizzle.Transpiler
Back to the root directory, build and run Rained
# only needs to be run once
dotnet tool restore
# usage of desktop GL or GLES/ANGLE is determined by OS.
dotnet cake
# alternative build command with desktop GL forced on.
dotnet cake --gles=false
# run the project!
dotnet run --no-build --project src/Rained/Rained.csproj
Upon first startup, you can configure where your Data folder is located. If you chose to download and install it, Rained will download and extract this repository.
Report bugs and other complaints by creating an issue or pinging @chromosoze on a Rain World modding Discord server. DM requests also work, but it's likely that it'll take me a while to notice them as I don't pinged for it.
Pull requests are welcome.
Documentation about the development setup is found here.