The plone.versioning
) behavior is used for enabling the CMFEditions functionality for dexterity contents.
It adds a changeNote-field to the edit- and add-forms and creates a new version when the content is edited, if enabled for the content type.
It's based on Products.CMFEditions.
For listing the versions of an object use CMFEdtions' view versions_history_form
or the history viewlet (see default @@view).
Just use the behavior plone.versioning
) in your dexterity content type.
In your profiles/default/types/YOURTYPE.xml add the behavior plone.versioning
<?xml version="1.0"?> <object name="example.conference.presenter" meta_type="Dexterity FTI" i18n:domain="example.conference" xmlns:i18n=""> <!-- enabled behaviors --> <property name="behaviors"> <element value="plone.versioning" /> </property> </object>
The ``plone.versioning`` behavior just adds versioning support to your content type, but it does not enable it.
You have to set the "versioning" option in the Plone types control panel (/@@content-controlpanel) to either "Manual" or "Automatic" for activating versioning.
If you want to automatically enable versioning for your custom content types through generic setup you have to create a file "repositorytool.xml" in your gs profile (e.g. "profiles/default") with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <repositorytool> <policymap> <type name="MyType"> <policy name="at_edit_autoversion"/> <policy name="version_on_revert"/> </type> <type name="AnotherType"> <policy name="at_edit_autoversion"/> <policy name="version_on_revert"/> </type> </policymap> </repositorytool>
See for more details.
For more information about how the versioning works see the documentation of Products.CMFEditions: