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### Description.
   iZAP-video is one of the popular videos plugin available for elgg. It is full featured social 
   videos plugin for elgg.

### Features 
* It supports Youtube, Vimeo, Veoh, Metacafe, Blip, CollegeHumor, 5min.
* It also supports Off server videos. Where you can convert video files to flv at your own server. It needs ffmpeg compiled on your server. Supported formats are subject of what your ffmpeg compilation supports.
* A new customizable flash player. You can change forground and background colors of the flash player according to your need.
* Embeddable video code to post videos on other sites which are uploaded on elgg's platform.
* Categories support.
* River support.
* Groups integration.
* Now you can enable on server and off server in parallel mode.
* Make your videos favorite.

### Important instruction    
 * For more information. Contact "Tarun Jangra<>"
 * For discussion about corresponding plugins, visit
 * Follow us on and
 * Copyrights (c) 2005-2011. iZAP
 * All rights reserved.