Use andersundsehr/cache-automation instead
This TYPO3 extension clear caches automated in the right moment. This happens by some magic configuration of your extension.
With this TYPO3 extension you can cache for example an extbase "list and show" plugin. If a database record is updated the cache of all pages containing this plugin will be flushed.
You can write your own magic cache agent.
Requires TYPO3 8.7 up to TYPO3 9
Issue tracking: GitHub: TYPO3 Cache Automation
Packagist: pluswerk/cache-automation
- Install the TYPO3 extension via composer
Composer installation:
composer require pluswerk/cache-automation
Configure a cache agent for your extension in your ext_localconf.php
A cache agent is triggered, if a database record of the given tables has changed.
['tx_news_domain_model_news'], // database table name
\Pluswerk\CacheAutomation\Agents\SimplePluginAgent::class, // cache agent
// cache agent configuration
'pluginKeys' => ['news_pi1'],
This agent flush the cache of all pages which have a content element with the given plugin keys.
'pluginKeys' => ['news_pi1'],
This agent flush the cache of all pages which are in the TYPO3 "rootline" of the given pages.
'rootPages' => [42, 316],
'depth' => 99, // optional
'begin' => 0, // optional
You can simply use your own cache agent. It has to implement \Pluswerk\CacheAutomation\Agents\AgentInterface
class MyMagicCacheAgent implements \Pluswerk\CacheAutomation\Agents\AgentInterface
public function getExpiredPages(string $table, int $uid, array $agentConfiguration, array $changedFields): array
// doe some magic here and return all page uid's which caches should be flushed
return [42, 316];