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Make sure prow has been [deployed] correctly:

  • The horologium component schedules periodic jobs.
  • The hook component schedules presubmit and postsubmit jobs, ensuring the repo:
    • enabled trigger in [plugins.yaml]
    • sends GitHub webhooks to prow.
  • The prow-controller-manager component schedules the pod requested by a prowjob.
  • The crier component reports status back to github.

How to configure new jobs

To configure a new job you'll need to add a job into jobs.

└── update-jobs
    └── update-jobs.yaml

If we wanted to add a new job to test a driver, we would add a new folder called test-driver and a job definition in yaml in the corresponding folder.

├── test-driver
│   └── test-driver.yaml
└── update-jobs
    └── update-jobs.yaml

On a PR the update-jobs Presubmit job will run, and allow testing of the new proposed job.

Prow requires you to have a basic understanding of kubernetes, such that you can define pods in yaml. Please see kubernetes documentation for help here, for example the [Pod overview] and [PodSpec api reference].

Periodic config looks like so:

- name: update-jobs-periodic        # Names need not be unique, but must match the regex ^[A-Za-z0-9-._]+$
  decorate: true        # Enable Pod Utility decoration. (see below)
  extra_refs: # Pod utility Clone Ref will clone the corresponding repository into the workspace before the test using an init container.
  #Clone Path == /home/prow/go/src/
  - org: falcosecurity
      repo: test-infra
      base_ref: <PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH_NAME>
  interval: 1h          # Anything that can be parsed by time.ParseDuration.
  # Alternatively use a cron instead of an interval, for example:
  # cron: "05 15 * * 1-5"  # Run at 7:05 PST (15:05 UTC) every M-F
  agent: kubernetes
  spec:     # Valid Kubernetes PodSpec.
    - command:
      - /workspace/
      env:  #This is required if using the AWSCLI from the job script
      - name: AWS_REGION
        value: eu-west-1            

Postsubmit config looks like so:

  - name: bar-job         # As for periodics.
    decorate: true        # As for periodics.
    spec: {}              # As for periodics.
    max_concurrency: 10   # Run no more than this number concurrently.
    branches:             # Regexps, only run against these branches.
    - ^master$
    skip_branches:        # Regexps, do not run against these branches.
    - ^release-.*$

Postsubmits are run when a push event happens on a repo, hence they are configured per-repo. If no branches are specified, then they will run against every branch.

Presubmit config looks like so:

  - name: update-jobs
    decorate: true
    path_alias: #Tell Github to clone this repo 
    #Clone Path == /home/prow/go/src/
    skip_report: false # Whether to skip setting a status on GitHub, use to show success/failure in github.
    agent: kubernetes
    run_if_changed: '^config/jobs/' #Trigger if PR changes files in this path
      - ^master$ #Any branch besides master
      - command:
        - /workspace/
        - name: AWS_REGION
          value: eu-west-1 

If you only want to run tests when specific files are touched, you can use run_if_changed. A useful pattern when adding new jobs is to start with always_run set to false and skip_report set to true. Test it out a few times by manually triggering, then switch always_run to true. Watch for a couple days, then switch skip_report to false.

The trigger is a regexp that matches the rerun_command. Users will be told to input the rerun_command when they want to rerun the job. Actually, anything that matches trigger will suffice. This is useful if you want to make one command that reruns all jobs. If unspecified, the default configuration makes /test <job-name> trigger the job. so /test update-jobs